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Compiz and KDE 4.2 desktop effects

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    Compiz and KDE 4.2 desktop effects

    Hallo everybody. Quick questions by an average linux user new to KDE 4.2 and Compiz.

    1) I understand they are different window managers and that KDE 4.2 has a lot of the desktop effects that Compiz provides. Is that correct? Or do you have to have Compiz in order to have KDE effects working?

    2) Some of the KDE effects anyway do not seem to work: is it a problem with my Intel 855GM (accelmethod uxa in I have the cube and the slides working, windows wobbling is fine, but the effects like the sphere, the cylinder, the snow and so on…no way I have them working. And the same for active window edges with the aforementioned effects. Any ideas?

    3) Assuming that Compiz can "take over" the effects of KDE Kwin, how do I understand how it really works? There seems to be no guide in the CompizConfig-Settings-Manager. Moreover, when using Compiz I loose the good thing about the combination Ctrl+F1/F2… to change desktop and the Alt+F2 to start a program. Is there a way to reactivate them in the compiz settings for key shortcuts?

    4) Please, if I said anything very wrong or misunderstood something from the beginning, ... let me know.

    To be mentioned: everything is coming from the traditional repository, as a side note. Of course it is clear i upgraded KDE to 4.2

    Thanks for your help

    Re: Compiz and KDE 4.2 desktop effects

    I'll answer what I can.

    Originally posted by Mattange
    1) I understand they are different window managers and that KDE 4.2 has a lot of the desktop effects that Compiz provides. Is that correct? Or do you have to have Compiz in order to have KDE effects working?
    Your first statement is correct. Compiz and KWin are two different window managers and each provides its own set of desktop effects. One does not depend on the other, and you can't use both at the same time. Although both provide some similar effects, the implementations are different.

    Originally posted by Mattange
    3) Assuming that Compiz can "take over" the effects of KDE Kwin, how do I understand how it really works? There seems to be no guide in the CompizConfig-Settings-Manager. Moreover, when using Compiz I loose the good thing about the combination Ctrl+F1/F2… to change desktop and the Alt+F2 to start a program. Is there a way to reactivate them in the compiz settings for key shortcuts?
    Documentation is scarce. IMO, the best way to learn is to experiment with the different plugins. Maybe start with the default set and tweak their settings. Then try enabling other ones to see what they do. There are simplified alternatives to ccsm, but I would recommend sticking with it, as it gives you the greatest flexibility. If you mess things up beyond repair, you can always start over by deleting ~/.compiz and restarting X.

    You can restore the behavior of Alt+F2 by turning off the Gnome Compatibility plugin if necessary. Then go into the Commands plugin, set "Command line 0" to "krunner" and then set the binding for that command to Alt+F2 in the key binding tab.

    You can customize keys for switching to specific viewports via the Viewport Switcher key bindings. But I just use Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right-Arrow. Can't remember where that gets set. It's the default behavior.

    Have fun.

