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Firefox 3.5

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    Re: Firefox 3.5

    Just to add my 2 cts, I' ve always upgraded distributions. I did it back in the day with mandrake->iva (even though everyone and their mother would swear that you needed a clean install), and then with Kubuntu. I did find a gitch or two, but it's a lot better than a clean install IMHO. At least, let me say this, at least for _my_ needs. This is in huge contrast with Windows, which is universally admitted to degrade very quickly in time (as mentioned by one of you folks above, was it GreyGeek?)


      Re: Firefox 3.5

      I usually am just fine doing the dist-upgrades too, but I generally avoid mucking about with too much unless there's something that I really want to do that isn't working correctly. That said, being the paranoid person I am, I will generally have an install CD on hand so that if/when I frell something up, I can just sit right down and start with the fresh install.

      I've got myself set up so that my home directory is my secondary drive in the computer, and my primary drive has my OS installed on it. It's quite handy when it comes time to fix my screw ups with a fresh install. I have to say that half the reason I knew to do this pretty much from the get go is that the guy who helped me get started on the Linux started me with the Mandrake cooker install. Yeah, guy's an idiot... who puts a newb on a cooker install, seriously? Trial by fire though, so I learned a lot from that and the newbie mailing list I joined when I made my switch.


        Re: Firefox 3.5

        The strange thing is though is that Opera doesn't seem to have any of these issues, I have updated it several times from the update button in the browser without any problems.


          Re: Firefox 3.5

          ... did someone once mention Firefox 3.5 ??

          Has anyone else tried the Chromium browser by Google?

          I've tried it in Hardy, it's coming along.


            Re: Firefox 3.5

            Originally posted by aged hippy
            ... did someone once mention Firefox 3.5 ??

            Has anyone else tried the Chromium browser by Google?

            I've tried it in Hardy, it's coming along.
            I am using it but Flash is still not working yet.


              Re: Firefox 3.5

              How about Arora!

              The new default browser:


                Re: Firefox 3.5

                @Rog131: Thank you. That was insightful.

                @Fintan: As much as I'm sorry to destroy yet another useless, personal attack based on nothing but imaginary "facts" on me: I actually speak English as a second language. So even if the issue was that I didn't understand you (rather than your posts being nothing but cheap ad hominem attacks), if anything, I would have issues understanding a foreign language - which is hardly condemnable.
                But I know. I'm really an All-American Evil Microsoft Astroturfer with no interest in this community, trying to lure people back to Windows. mmhmm. Whatever lie you need to keep your little world intact.

                As much fun as it is to watch the regulars invent more and more "facts" about me to perpetuate and prove their self-affirming world view ("No one disagrees Kubuntu is perfect because whoever disagrees is a Microsoft astroturfer!"), I have a feeling Rog131's answer will be pretty much the only one I get that's on topic and actually adding value to the underlying discussion - as such, I won't return unless new information surfaces. (Wait for the regulars claiming it's because I'm scared/wrong/gave up.)

                I am happy to see there is at least one user actually trying to help others, but I have a feeling the tremendous hostility towards anyone who even dares insinuate that Kubuntu is not perfection incarnate has driven more than one potential converter away who could've been kept with a simple answer.

                But hey - they were all Microsoft employees anyway, right?

                [Cue more assumptions and lies about me, my computer, my occupation, my intentions and the software installed on my computer - cause clearly no true linux user would say such things.]


                  Re: Firefox 3.5

                  Are you going to put a lid on it any time soon, wkdboi? Because this is really starting to bore the crap out of me.
                  (oh, and English isn't my native language either, but I don't go fishing for compliments... :P)


                    Re: Firefox 3.5

                    I just looked at the firefox site and it asked me if I wanted an upgrade to 3.5 - I'm still using the firefox from the ubuntu repositories. The upgrade is a bz2 file so not difficult to install.

                    I suspect that the current version will be available in Karmic - (I replaced Karmic with another distro - couldn't wait any longer to try the Sidux 2009.2)

                    The information on the firefox site makes it seem like the 3.5.1 is 'the best thing since sliced bread'. Improvements in so many areas. I've recently started using Konqueror more just to compare them and for someone like me who doesn't watch you tube (connection too slow), there is virtually no difference.

                    I know a number of windows users who wouldn't know if they have version 3.0.1 or 3.0.12 or even of firefox, let alone 3.5.0 or 3.5.1

                    Those who know what version they have and according to their needs want the latest rather than waiting can choose to install it themselves. Those who are content to wait, can wait. We are all free to choose. I like choice. Linux in general offers lot of choices, browsers for example.
                    HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


                      Re: Firefox 3.5

                      I for one fall on the side of keep the repository at 3.0.x and install it yourself if you want 3.5.1. Most regular users don't care and if you care enough you can probably handle the manual install. In cases like this I prefer to use the /opt directory until the repository is updated with the version I want, then I ditch the /opt version with a simple delete of its directory. I do this with a number of packages including Eclipse and Netbeans. Why waste all your energy complaining when you can install it in 2 or 3 minutes.

                      By default /opt is owned by root. I personally change it to my own account to make life easier. Download the tar.bz2 file from, extract to /opt and add a menu item. Done, mozilla 3.5.1 when you want it and 3.0.12 from the repository if you need an add-on that doesn't work in the new version. I did the same thing on my Windows install. If you have 3.0.x it won't update it to 3.5. You must go to, download and install it.
                      linux && bash = "the future"


                        Re: Firefox 3.5

                        ohh gee now im convinced wkdboi ur a "true" linux user
                        i say it all the time that i dual boot win linux so i can game and did anyone in the last 4 years im here
                        started to assault me like they did u no they didnt

                        why i wonder

                        and u still haven't proved that u are a programmer, didn't steal a program or that u can work ur linux
                        besides i was born in austria so my native language is german came to paraguy learned spanish (even the native indian language of paraguy Guarani) and learned english afterwards

                        so if ur that good u definitely cant argue u cant understand english
                        come on get real


                          Re: Firefox 3.5

                          *gets popcorn
                          # make install --not-war


                            Re: Firefox 3.5

                            @DK, I hereby assign all my trademark and copyright IP rights to you, for use of

                            If it ain't broke,
                            "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"
                            on as many t-shirts as you can sell.


                              Re: Firefox 3.5

                              Originally posted by lmilano
                              Joy! Yet another browser for web developers to test their websites in :|


                                Re: Firefox 3.5

                                Originally posted by undoIT
                                Originally posted by lmilano
                                Joy! Yet another browser for web developers to test their websites in :|
                                Yep, under the hood it uses the webkit engine, which is derived from KHTML (the one for konqueror). Webkit was developed by Apple for their Safari browser. It's a small world

