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Firefox 3.5

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    Re: Firefox 3.5

    Seems to me you haven't quite grasped the release policy for ubuntu. Ubuntu distribution releases are stable, only bug/security fixes (and minor upgrades) are made available after a release for a release version. This makes sure users can keep upgrading their release version without fear of regressions (often associated with major version upgrades). This is very important to many people, including corporate installations.

    Of course, ubuntu often makes newer software available for stable releases as well (via backports repository, ppas etc), for those people that explicitly want to install newer stuff and can accept the possibility of breakage/regressions.

    The fact that mozilla means 3.5 as an upgrade to 3, is not relevant in this's still a major upgrade...with regressions (kde4 is meant to be an upgrade to kde3, as well, but no one would suggest automatically replacing kde3 with kde4 on a stable ubuntu release).

    And what I really don't understand why the big fuss about it, as you can still install 3.5 if you want to. And if one doesn't like ubuntu's release policy, you can always go with a rolling-release distribution (like sidux or arch).


      Re: Firefox 3.5

      This is a software help forum, not a place to change the way Kubuntu is put together.
      Hear, hear

      Since you obviously don't understand very well what I meant, ( I wonder what people are called that are "deaf" to written words in their own language :P).

      So I will spell it out.

      Yes, I have been around here for a while and have a lot of posts. Almost half of which was getting help and good advice. The other half was giving back that help and advice as best I could.

      That is what I meant by getting a LIFE!

      Giving is apparently not high on your list of priorities and you sound like a very sad, desperate and disgruntled person who can only disperse and perpetuate negative and destructive criticism.

      All you seem to be able to do is try and defend your attitude, stance and argumentation, which anyone over the age of 12 can see for what it is.

      Sandbox talk.

      I concur with kubicle.

      If you don't like it, leave it.

      I agree with GG (greyGeek).
      People with agendas and motivations like yours should be exposed for what they are.
      So please continue using your shovel to dig a very deep hole

      I am de-notifying myself from this post for the second and last time.
      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
      4 GB Ram
      Kubuntu 18.10


        Re: Firefox 3.5

        Such an exclusive club of "True Believers". No room for differences of thought. No room for differing opinions. Windows or Linux fanatics, the people are all the same. Small minds, small people. The world of one thought is truly a sad place. Flame on self-righteous leaders of the cause. From 7 to 70 a closed mind will always be closed and so easily threatened.
        Kubuntu 11.10<br />KDE 4.7.3<br />Athlon XP 2000<br />512 MB RAM<br />ATI 64MB Video<br />~11 year old system still kicking :&gt


          Re: Firefox 3.5

          I Love the Smell of Bashing in the Morning...

          Straight from the horse's mouth a.k.a "23meg" told a week ago > Topic: Firefox 3.5 by default
          Mozilla let us use their otherwise restricted branding by default through a trademark agreement, in exchange for a guarantee of preserving their product quality. The fact that you see a Firefox logo in the default Ubuntu installation means that the Ubuntu Mozilla Team is dedicated to preserving that quality; had they failed at that in any considerable scale, Mozilla could have requested its withdrawal in the first place, rather than engaging in subtle strategic maneuvers of the sort you imply.

          The fact that you don't and won't see official Firefox branding for 3.5 in Jaunty has to do with this too (as well as our own branding policy): we only have enough workforce to maintain 3.5 as a preview / testing package in Universe. The kind of work that would be required to maintain 3.5, along with all its dependencies, which affect not just Firefox but many other applications as well in Jaunty, while satisfying Mozilla's quality requirement as well, would be huge, and even if other concerns such as not changing default top level UI elements through stable release updates were sorted out somehow, it would be completely unrealistic to assume we could undertake it.

          Shortly - you don't just grab the sources and drop them to the official repositories.

          The repositories are only an option...

          You could install the Firefox from the Mozilla so there will be offerings from the Mozilla.

          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information


            Re: Firefox 3.5

            Originally posted by Marlin
            Such an exclusive club of "True Believers". No room for differences of thought. No room for differing opinions. Windows or Linux fanatics, the people are all the same. Small minds, small people. The world of one thought is truly a sad place. Flame on self-righteous leaders of the cause. From 7 to 70 a closed mind will always be closed and so easily threatened.
            This discussion would've taken a totally different path if wkdboi had taken a on a less aggressive tone.


              Re: Firefox 3.5

              Originally posted by fidesratioque
              Originally posted by Marlin
              Such an exclusive club of "True Believers". No room for differences of thought. No room for differing opinions. Windows or Linux fanatics, the people are all the same. Small minds, small people. The world of one thought is truly a sad place. Flame on self-righteous leaders of the cause. From 7 to 70 a closed mind will always be closed and so easily threatened.
              This discussion would've taken a totally different path if wkdboi had taken a on a less aggressive tone.
              Yes! We give help here all the time to people trying to dual boot with windows and what not, this is a very friendly forum overall

              And comment all the time on what they see right or wrong, and thats all good; if you take the time to read around you will definitely see that this is the case; there are lots of differences expressed openly all the time, and they are welcome

              One of our main contributors, Dibl, switched to another OS (Arch, and no one felt bad or anything, it is HIS computer after all )

              However, a very particular person got into the nerves of pretty much everybody else, using typical FUD and purely false arguments and accusations; that is all folks


                Re: Firefox 3.5

                Originally posted by Rog131
                I Love the Smell of Bashing in the Morning...

                Straight from the horse's mouth a.k.a "23meg" told a week ago >
                A very clear and useful explanation. Thanks Rog.

                You could install the Firefox from the Mozilla so there will be offerings from the Mozilla.
                I have and 3.5.1. is now working to my satisfaction. The font problems I mentioned earlier were actually more to do with (my copy of) Firefox 3.0.12 handling fonts in a slightly unexpected manner. I just needed to tweak the font settings even more (I could easily produce a two page rant on how I feel about the Linux font system, but that would be totally off topic... ).


                  Re: Firefox 3.5

                  Originally posted by GreyGeek
                  BTW, how many Linux noobies did you hope to kill, and drive back to Windows?
                  Here's a Linux noobie.. Even a noobie can think for himself, GreyGeek. This poster's rant does nothing of the sort. I just switched from Windows to Kubuntu about 6 months ago, and while I agree with this poster that the process of updating/installing software COULD be better, these are just minor worries. I think that some posters here are being a bit too OTT about needing the Firefox update. It will come when it will come. I think it is a pity that the question of another poster about whether an automated update of Firefox is part of the updating process in Kubuntu, got snowed under by this ridiculous and childish rant.


                    Re: Firefox 3.5

                    I think it is a pity that the question of another poster about whether an automated update of Firefox is part of the updating process in Kubuntu, got snowed under by this ridiculous and childish rant.
                    The answer did get sort of lost.
                    kubicle post #75
                    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                    4 GB Ram
                    Kubuntu 18.10


                      Re: Firefox 3.5

                      Originally posted by Fintan
                      I think it is a pity that the question of another poster about whether an automated update of Firefox is part of the updating process in Kubuntu, got snowed under by this ridiculous and childish rant.
                      The answer did get sort of lost.
                      kubicle post #75
                      Oh, oops - I indeed missed that one..


                        Re: Firefox 3.5

                        No wonder :P

                        With this "conversation" going on in the background
                        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                        4 GB Ram
                        Kubuntu 18.10


                          Re: Firefox 3.5

                          Originally posted by Fintan
                          No wonder :P

                          With this "conversation" going on in the background
                          I thought "ridiculous and childish rant" was more applicable...


                            Re: Firefox 3.5

                            Originally posted by Rog131
                            Shortly - you don't just grab the sources and drop them to the official repositories.

                            The repositories are only an option...

                            You could install the Firefox from the Mozilla so there will be offerings from the Mozilla.

                            Since Firefox isn't installed by default for Kubuntu users, what are the advantages / disadvantages of installing the package from Mozilla vs. installing from the repositories? From the screenshot, it looks like Firefox will just use the Mozilla update process if installed from the download, so there wouldn't be an issue of keeping it updated.


                              Re: Firefox 3.5

                              Originally posted by undoIT
                              Since Firefox isn't installed by default for Kubuntu users, what are the advantages / disadvantages of installing the package from Mozilla vs. installing from the repositories? From the screenshot, it looks like Firefox will just use the Mozilla update process if installed from the download, so there wouldn't be an issue of keeping it updated.
                              I would guess the official builds are statically linked (since they are built for "any linux"), so they must be bigger and not so efficient. Also, I don't see 64 builds in the official place, which as usual (in the 64 bit worlkd) give performance gains:

                              Long story short, most users should use the official distro packages, and the geeky ones, well, we can't spend one day without breaking something ... they say "Broken?" We say "Bring it on!" :P


                                Re: Firefox 3.5

                                Originally posted by lmilano

                                Long story short, most users should use the official distro packages, and the geeky ones, well, we can't spend one day without breaking something ... they say "Broken?" We say "Bring it on!" :P
                                Which can be paraphrased as: "If it ain't broke... it will be".

