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Firefox 3.5

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    Re: Firefox 3.5

    Originally posted by dibl
    The explanation for this experiment by Alexander Sack strikes me as eminently reasonable -- after all, what is Alpha software for, if not to learn how users will react to a changed feature?
    Thank you Dibl for clarifying this. It has become a trend to attack Canonical (and Ubuntu at large) all the time. Like Mahatma Gandhi said:

    “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

    I guess we are at the stage right before we win

    Incidentally, I used to contribute to Slashdot, until it turned into a MS Astroturfing haven. The MS bots got karma somehow, and started modding up each other's comments defending innocent and rightly minded MS from evil Free and Open Source dirty master plan . Just look at the highly moderated posts, it's a joke. I don't like conspiracy theories, but I smell something here, and it wouldn't be the first (nor will it be the last) time MS does something like this.


      Re: Firefox 3.5

      Originally posted by lmilano

      Like Mahatma Gandhi said:

      “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

      I guess we are at the stage right before we win
      Good one!

      Yes, I think all the MS hate and FUD does indeed reflect a growing anxiety, on their part. Well, they've been screwing consumers, OEMs, and software developers for a long time -- there's good reason for anxiety.


        Re: Firefox 3.5

        Originally posted by dibl
        Originally posted by lmilano

        Like Mahatma Gandhi said:

        “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

        I guess we are at the stage right before we win
        Good one!

        Yes, I think all the MS hate and FUD does indeed reflect a growing anxiety, on their part. Well, they've been screwing consumers, OEMs, and software developers for a long time -- there's good reason for anxiety.
        Yep, and they sing a different tune to their shareholders:


          Re: Firefox 3.5

          Originally posted by dibl
          ...Well, they've been screwing consumers, OEMs, and software developers for a long time...
          I disagree quite a bit there... I really do believe that without Microsoft and their "influence" on the PC market for the last 15 years there would be no home-built computer option, and with that would probably mean no home-built OS (i.e. Linux). Do you really think we would be better off if Apple or IBM had "won"? Microsoft made the hardware generic and that is what made everything possible.

          And don't get me started on the truly wonderful things Bill & Melinda are doing with all those "tax" dollars... MS is ok in my book. Not great, not evil, but ok.

          Edit: Overstated my position a little, but I really do get sick of all the M$ hate everywhere...

          So... how 'bout that FF 3.6 Alpha?


            Re: Firefox 3.5

            Originally posted by kjjjjshab
            Originally posted by dibl
            ...Well, they've been screwing consumers, OEMs, and software developers for a long time...
            I disagree quite a bit there... I really do believe that without Microsoft and their "influence" on the PC market for the last 15 years there would be no home-built computer option,
            Wha? Linux has been around for 20 years, and I have been using it on pc's for 15 now ...

            I do think they've been an evil company, but hey, we all have our opinions.



              Re: Firefox 3.5

              Originally posted by kjjjjshab

              without Microsoft and their "influence" on the PC market for the last 15 years there would be no home-built computer option
              We're not in terrible disagreement, kj.

              I remember when MS-DOS opened the window for consumer PCs, and I remember when they knocked off OS/2 and called it "Windows 95", released in '96. I don't hate 'em. You are correct -- in the 1980s and 1990s they made it possible for a semi-nerd to actually do something useful with an Intel 8088 CPU.

              But, since the mid-1990s, they've abused their position, IMO, and acted against the consumer, who always benefits from a choice in the market. MS has done their level best to make sure there is NO CHOICE -- that is what I dislike. They have attempted to take ownership of YOUR computer -- by various and non-public means, and I don't like that. That's why I run Linux.


                Re: Firefox 3.5

                Originally posted by dibl
                ...They have attempted to take ownership of YOUR computer -- by various and non-public means, and I don't like that. That's why I run Linux...
                Same here. I keep trying to explain to my wife how Microsoft actually owns her master's thesis, her Powerpoint presentations for work, etc. because they are in a proprietary format, but I can't seem to quite ever get the point across... I did make our wedding invites FREE!

                But bundling a web browser is not evil, no matter what the EU tells you... my goodness... I hate to see them take a look at a kubuntu livecd once and see what all is bundled there!!! I swear if MS just got rid of Balmer and replaced him with someone who wasn't a complete @#$ they really wouldn't be hated quite so much around here...

                ###Thread hijacking is ok in "Solved" threads, even if they aren't marked as such, right? But apologies nonetheless.###


                  Re: Firefox 3.5

                  and what about the point that m$ allows companies like "" to spy on ur pc so they can make a bether n more convincing marketing campains.... (just an example)
                  thus claiming that open software developers are the ones responsible for makeing troyans, spyware,... just becouse they hate m$
                  psiquiatrical profile of a company that uses these triks are wery similar to thoes of a mass murderer n genocidal pearson

                  just watsh the documental "the corporation"

                  make a parralel betwen them n ull find it... and after all m$ is a multinational corporation...
                  it means a bunch of guys create a company whit the same rights as a real flesh person
                  so a building has the same rights as a real pearson there the name CORPORATION but u cant arrest a building... the ones that created the corporation are not accused of the crimes comited by their firm even if it was ordered by them ... so they disove it n make another one or two
                  just like the monopoly case when m$ split into two M$ OS n M$ ofice they are children companies n cant be accused of the crimes comited by the father company

                  i dont hate m$ i need it to play games but it feels like a junkie needing another fix
                  hail kubuntu long live linux

