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Still no meta info in Dolphin/Konqueror?

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    Still no meta info in Dolphin/Konqueror?

    I've been trying to convince myself to switch over to KDE4, but a million little things keep nagging at me not to. The most recent that I just realized was a moment ago when I went browsing with Dolphin on my netbook over to a folder where I have episodes of a radio program.

    The archives are quite extensive, so I often lose track of which point I've gotten to (I've been listening chronologically). On my main PC, with 8.04/3.5, I just hover the cursor over the episodes and Konqueror pops up the meta info. At that point I go "oh, that's the episode about Valentine's Day 1998" and I move on to the next one and copy it to my portable audio player, or whatever. But with KDE 4, with both Konqueror and Dolphin, I hover the mouse over a file and . . . nothing. I even right-click and choose "properties" and there's nearly no info there, certainly nothing to do with the id3 tags of the mp3 files. The sidebar in Dolphin (the one saying "information") literally only gives the same info that is already available in the columns in details view, ie. size, date and type.

    I guess what I'm asking is, can KDE 4 be changed/fiddled-with to provide this very basic functionality that KDE 3 does? Or am I out of luck?

    Re: Still no meta info in Dolphin/Konqueror?

    The developers were/are telling (with the KDE 4.3.something):

    > Information Panel
    > Nepomuk and Dolphin
    > More metadata and a new year's resolution

    Here with the KDE 4.3 RC1 (Karmic) i get a bit more information but not that much as the developers pics are showing.

    I have been using an external application > Topic: Mediainfo application on Linux

    MP3 information at the Dolphin and from the Mediainfo servicemenu.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Still no meta info in Dolphin/Konqueror?

      lets wait for kde 4.3 final then.

