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Desktop looses focus, crashes, window backgrounds disappear

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    Desktop looses focus, crashes, window backgrounds disappear


    Since I've upgraded to Jaunty, Ive run into a lot of troubles with my desktop. I don't remember having seen any of them with Kubuntu 8.10
    Symptoms are (maybe they are not related) :
    - KDM simply crashes, randomly. Without doing anything special.
    - Window backgrounds partially disappear (become black) and may reappear later according to the actions on the windows (refresh issue?)
    - And the most annoying : it looks like the desktop looses the size or resolution of the screen for displaying windows. I notice this issue when doing a mouse action (such as a clic to close or minimize a window) and nothing happens or I see the action performed somewhere else on the screen (a piece of the window appears somewhere else). If I switch from desktop to desktop, I can clearly see the result of the action since the whole desktop is redrawn correctly. But the problem remains and whatever I do is not displayed or I see a piece of the window on which I work that appears around the bottom left part of the screen.
    Restarting the X-server removes the problem but it soon reappears. Currently I restart the X-server ten times a day.

    Additional info :
    Qt: 4.5.0
    KDE: 4.2.2 (KDE 4.2.2)
    kde4-config: 1.0

    Linux jack 2.6.28-13-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 2 07:55:09 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    nVidia drivers 180.44-0ubuntu1

    The screen is a Samsung SyncMaster 305T (2560*1600 resolution)

    That's it. Anyone has a clue ?

    - Emmanuel

    Re: Desktop looses focus, crashes, window backgrounds disappear

    Hi Emmanuel

    Have you tried disabling Desktop Effects? If that doesn't help, I would try disabling the binary nvidia driver and see if it KDE is stable. That will allow you to isolate driver issues from KDE specific issues.



      Re: Desktop looses focus, crashes, window backgrounds disappear

      Thanks for the suggestion, I'm trying and I'll let you know the results.


        Re: Desktop looses focus, crashes, window backgrounds disappear

        i have had the kde 4.2.2 desktop ( plasma workspace) crash on me a couple of times. And i dont have dekstop effects. Another app that crashes frequenty is kmail.


          Re: Desktop looses focus, crashes, window backgrounds disappear

          Originally posted by marcopl
          i have had the kde 4.2.2 desktop ( plasma workspace) crash on me a couple of times. And i dont have dekstop effects. Another app that crashes frequenty is kmail.
          Maybe time to upgrade?

          4.2.4 should mostly bring bugfixes (and hopefully no regressions)


            Re: Desktop looses focus, crashes, window backgrounds disappear

            Hello all,

            After a few days with both KDE 4.2.4 and having disabled the Desktop effects, everything works fine. Except for the windows which are still partially filled with black from time to time.

            However, I cannot tell whever the upgrade or the desktop effects setting did the trick ...

            Sorry for the late post.
            - Emmanuel

