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Upgrading to KDE 4.2.4

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    Upgrading to KDE 4.2.4


    From the news one can read, that the latest stable KDE update is 4.2.4 (

    I went to console, typed $ kded --version , and got this:
    Qt: 3.3.8b
    KDE: 3.5.10

    Ok, I thought, so I've got somewhat outdated KDE here. But then I read, quote: "9.04 includes KDE 4.2.2, the latest version.." ( But hey, I just yesterday installed the latest Kubuntu, 9.04! Running $ lsb_release -a gives confirmation, indeed I have Kubuntu 9.04.

    Now, what's going on here? Of course, I want the cool new KDE, but why oh why I am mislead that 9.04 includes 4.2.2, while I see that I have 3.5.10? And, most important how do I get the newest (4.2.4) installed? Following the tutorial on ( unfortunately did not bring me to higher system KDE version. It indeed improved Amarok version however.

    I'd be glad to find out the order in all this versions chaos, thanks.

    Re: Upgrading to KDE 4.2.4

    This one made me chuckle just a little bit. Open a terminal and type the following commands...

    >cd /usr/bin
    >ls kde*
    >kde4-config -version

    Try that instead. You are running KDE 4.x. It may not be 4.2.4 but it will be 4.x.

    /usr/bin$ kde4-config -version
    Qt: 4.5.0
    KDE: 4.2.4 (KDE 4.2.4)
    kde4-config: 1.0
    linux && bash = "the future"


      Re: Upgrading to KDE 4.2.4

      If chuckling on Linux newbies would make the world a better place, where OSS would be used more widely, I'd salute you. If knowing some commands better makes you feel superior, I am happy for your high esteem.

      Thank you for the correction on KDE version detection. I indeed have now 4.2.4. The command I used (kded --version) was digged up somewhere in online forums, I had no Idea that applies only to the KDE Daemon. Stupid mistake indeed, but hay, I started just couple of days ago


        Re: Upgrading to KDE 4.2.4

        Okay, I should know sarcastic humor doesn't translate too well to the online world. I was not laughing at you, sorry if you misinterpreted my comments, no hard feelings. I've done far worse than issue the wrong command in my years with Linux. I certainly don't feel superior. Older and wiser, maybe, but not superior.
        linux && bash = "the future"

