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File type question.

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    File type question.

    I am running KDE 4.2.4. When I download an iso file the file shows up as a question mark. How can I get an iso file to show up with the CD icon it used to have?

    Re: File type question.

    What tells:
    file Your_downloaded_iso_file_here
    It should tell:
    $ file Test.iso
    Test.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'Test
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    Why there are dead links ?
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      Re: File type question.

      It comes up with the correct information. I just am trying to get the file to show up in the desktop folder as an icon rather than a question mark. The system knows whst the file is, it just does not seem to know how to associate it with an icon.


        Re: File type question.

        If the KDE is detecting the filetype. What do you have at System Settings > Advanced > File Associations (.iso) ?

        Here the File Associations .iso has info: raw CD image and the icon is application-x-cd-image.png

        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: File type question.

          The screenshot was helpfull. I have additional entries that I think VirtualBox added. My entry that corresponds with yours has the icon. The additional entries I have show the question mark...

