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Gmail problem with logging in

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    Gmail problem with logging in


    I installed Kubuntu 9.04 polish version about month ago. Everything was fine until 3-4 days ago. I use gmail view directly in firefox. The problem is: I enter my login and password and then it depends on the browser I use:

    I log in on Konqueror, but the gmail logo isn't displayed. I can read my mails, but I can't send any mails (when I try to, it doesn't respond).

    On Firefox I can't log in, a blank page is displayed, or I see the logging page. After some time Firefox shows server error (page cannot be displayed).

    I installed Opera after problems with ff occurred. It worked for one day, and now when I attempt to log in it shows
    "Connection reset by server
    You attempt to visit which is now unavailable. Make sure the address is typed correctly and the try to refresh"(this is my translation of error message shown by polish version of Opera).

    I found one user with the problem similar to mine in this topic: , but none of the solutions proposed there didn't work on my computer.

    On Windows everything works fine (on firefox and ie). On another computer with debian 4.0 etch IceWeasel works (or doesn't work ) the same way as Firefox on Kubuntu.

    Does anyone know, what should I do? The in-browser e-mails from other websites work fine. Everything else works fine too. Interesting thing is, when I tried to log in to my Youtube account it didn't work too, so this is problem only with google apps.


    Re: Gmail problem with logging in

    Maybe Gmail is using flash? Have you tried youtube? Is it working?

    HTH. Cheers!


      Re: Gmail problem with logging in

      Videos on youtube are playing without any problems. I already reinstalled flash and java, but this didn't help in any way. The problem is only with apps which need google account. I tried to get support on google support page. It told me to clean up my cookies. I did this on firefox and then firefox behaves like konqueror (logging in works, but can't send e-mails).

      I will try to do something today evening, but I am running out of ideas...



        Re: Gmail problem with logging in

        Gmail on the web is working fine here. How about [Alt]+[F2] and

        mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.bak
        That is, renaming the mozilla folder, while Firefox is not running. And trying again ...


          Re: Gmail problem with logging in

          I moved the folder, this didn't work. I still can log in, but now i can't even watch my mails... It just shows "Loading" at the top of the screen and after while the popup window from gmail is displayed, with the followin text:
          "Error. Could't load some of Gmail functions because of problem with network connection. If this problem will continue, try to refresh, use https protocol, use older version or switch on to html basic view." I have no problems with network connection, except google apps.



            Re: Gmail problem with logging in

            I was gonna suggest trying to disable ipv6 just in case, but I just saw it in the thread you referred to. Apparently you tried all that. Is it possible that you are using a Polish localized FF and for some reason it screws up the communication with Google's servers in Linux? If so, maybe it's worth a shot trying a vanilla FF in English, who knows.

            Of course you could use gmail from KMail on a blink, but I am sure you prefer the web interface. This is one of the most weird bugs I've ever seen!


              Re: Gmail problem with logging in

              I had this same problem...but strangely it was only occurring with one of my gmail accounts and not with another. After several days the problem disappeared and I can't recreate it at the moment.


                Re: Gmail problem with logging in

                AH, that's a good idea, creating another temp account on gmail to see if the issue is with the account itself, then you could report back to gmail.

