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(again) Why are there blocked updates??

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    (again) Why are there blocked updates??

    I searched about the blocked updates here in the forum and I found how to "solve" the problem of the blocked updates. What I didn't find was: is it really a problem?

    What is a blocked update?
    Why are there blocked updates?
    If they are blocked, is it safe to install them anyway?
    And finally, why notifier notifies me about an update I can't install?
    &lt;Asus K8U-X&gt;&lt;AMD Athlon 64 3000+&gt;&lt;1.5Gb&gt;<br />&lt;NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 256Mb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 80Gb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 250Gb&gt;<br />Kubuntu 9.04 amd64

    Re: (again) Why are there blocked updates??

    yes... u r right. i too would like to know why kpackagekit blocked them in the first place....

    hopefully the gurus here can shed more light on this for us newbies..


      Re: (again) Why are there blocked updates??

      I'm far from a Guru but a long time Linux and Kubuntu user and would classify the problem caused by KPackageKit as it being an immature application.
      After all, the issue is generally resolved by using one of the other front-ends to dpkg like apt-get or Synaptic, even Adept seems to work.


        Re: (again) Why are there blocked updates??

        Blocked updates can occur when a new version of a program becomes available, but another program upon which it depends has not yet been updated. Installing the new version of the program would therefore break it, so it will be held back until all of the other programs it depends on are updated. This is most often seen with kernel packages, when there may be some delay in uploading all of the new components to the repositories.

        Blocked updates can also occur if you have "frozen" a particular version of the program, and a newer version becomes available. Until you cancel the lock, it will be reported as a blocked update.
        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


          Re: (again) Why are there blocked updates??

          Guys, apparently this behaviour of kpackagekit is a bug.
          Its bug no 342671. ->

          Apparently kpackagekit ;

          Doesn't support installations which require a removal
          + Doesn't support installations which require a removal or updates which
          + require additional software

          its better to use apt-get or synaptic.


            Re: (again) Why are there blocked updates??

            I've been using Kubuntu since the release of the version 9.04 (I used to use ubuntu since 5.04) and I've been loving it. The only part I really think is far far behind Gnome (ubuntu) is the packages management software. This kpackagekit is a shame.

            And, considering what people are saying here, it is just because it isn't ready. Why to change the software (i guess Adept do better a lot of things) to a new one with no menu of options, without logs or no verbose at all about what is happening? But, that's another story.

            I still don't know if it is safe to install those blocked updates (kpackagekit didn't said why they are blocked). I guess it isn't, but if another package manager install them without troubles... it became a little confusing...

            Kpakagekit doesn't make me feel confident which leads me to another question:
            How can I change Kpackagekit to Adpet (or another better pakcage manegement for KDE)? With all updates notifications fully working.

            Anayways, thank you all for enlightenment.

            P.S.: I actually thought KDE was more customizable (and with more options) than Gnome, but it wasn't what I saw 'till now.
            &lt;Asus K8U-X&gt;&lt;AMD Athlon 64 3000+&gt;&lt;1.5Gb&gt;<br />&lt;NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 256Mb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 80Gb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 250Gb&gt;<br />Kubuntu 9.04 amd64


              Re: (again) Why are there blocked updates??

              How can I change Kpackagekit to Adpet (or another better pakcage manegement for KDE)? With all updates notifications fully working.
              You could install another package manager (> FAQ: Package Managers).

              The update notification (Jaunty, Intrepid) is a python script file. You could edit it...


              Changing update-notifier-kde package manager from the KPackageKit to the Synaptic (Jaunty) > Re: Kpackagekit/Synaptic Updates

              Changing update-notifier-kde package manager from the Adept to the Synaptic (Intrepid) > Re: Switching from Adept to Synaptic
              Before you edit, BACKUP !

              Why there are dead links ?
              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
              2. Thread: Lost Information

