Guys i am new to kubuntu. Have been using mandriva for sometime. I switched over to jaunty jackalope on my new laptop bcos i just could not get the broadcom bcm4312 chipset recognized in mandriva2009.1.
1. Anyway, i am trying to install opera but looks like the package doesn't exist? Where can i get it from?
Under sources, i have main,universe,restricted and multiverse selected.
2. Kpackagekit ->Software updates.
There is something called blocked updates? What do i do?
3. For kubuntu 9.04, do i need to add medibuntu for mplayer, mencoder, acroread etc?
1. Anyway, i am trying to install opera but looks like the package doesn't exist? Where can i get it from?
Under sources, i have main,universe,restricted and multiverse selected.
2. Kpackagekit ->Software updates.
There is something called blocked updates? What do i do?
3. For kubuntu 9.04, do i need to add medibuntu for mplayer, mencoder, acroread etc?