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load >1 while 99% idle. The problem went away, and now it's back!

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    And it's at it again . .


    I've started another thread in hardware at

    As described there, this problem is apparently a hardware issue; I swapped drives between two machines, and the problem stayed with the machine, not the kubuntu installation.

    As of yesterday, I'm back to a "floor" load of 1.0.

    I did connect briefly by network cable instead of wireless yesterday (I needed to turn off the WEP temporarily, as I can't get windows to talk to it with WEP enabled . . .)

    Once more, load staying above 1.0, but nothing showing as using cpu in top or ps, and top showing over 90% idle . . .

    Noone else may have these opinions without paying my retainer


      Re: load >1 while 99% idle. The problem went away, and now it's back!

      Could it have been one of the "indexing" packages? I once caught strigi running my CPU cores up to 100% overnight when I thought my system was idle. Does avahi do stuff like that?


        Re: load >1 while 99% idle. The problem went away, and now it's back!

        I really don't know anything about avahi . . .

        However, such a thing should show up in the process tables.

        Also, leaving the machine on overnight wasn't enough for it to end, and this went on for weeks, went away for a week or so, and is back again
        Noone else may have these opinions without paying my retainer


          Re: load >1 while 99% idle. The problem went away, and now it's back!

          Originally posted by dochawk

          However, such a thing should show up in the process tables.
          That is true.


            Re: load >1 while 99% idle. The problem went away, and now it's back!

            I'm currently installing the remix on a laptop for my wife. If it doesn't exhibit the problem, I'm just going to rip out the current install and install fresh.

            Noone else may have these opinions without paying my retainer


              Re: load >1 while 99% idle. The problem went away, and now it's back!

              Originally posted by dibl
              Originally posted by dochawk

              However, such a thing should show up in the process tables.
              That is true.
              I was surfing one day and all of a sudden the speed of my Internet connection (10Mb/s) seemed to fall off considerably, to the point that the mouse would pause moving across the screen when I opened apps or did other activity which took CPU cycles. Then I noticed my Linksys WRT54G wireless data light was blinking like crazy. I turned off my wireless and my speed come back. I turned it back on and the lights started blinking wildly again and I was slow. I used the System Monitor sorted by %CPU to see what was the hog, but nothing showed up out of the ordinary. I did "netstat -lp" to list programs that had internet connections passing data and I saw a couple connections with radomized alphanumeric names, which didn't show on "pa aux" or "top".

              I had run Skype a little while before this started so I killed Skype's icon in the system tray. Didn't matter. I rebooted and the wireless activity returned to normal. Nothing happened again for several days. Then I started Skype again and the internet activity didn't stop when I quit Skype. Some research revealed that Skype starts a "SuperNode" on Linux which cannot be closed and doesn't show in the processes. Killing Skype in the system tray, then rebooting, is the only way to kill the SuperNode. Now, when I use Skype, I kill it in the System tray after I close the GUI.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

