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Easy Flash Installation Script for 64-Bit Systems

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    Easy Flash Installation Script for 64-Bit Systems

    If you're new to *buntu or have just reinstalled, here's an easy way to get flash up and running on your 64-bit system.


    Re: Easy Flash Installation Script for 64-Bit Systems

    Noo... !
    What are you doing ?!?

    Adobe have a native 64bit player, and explicitly state ndispluginwrapper is bad news.

    The article you link links to says as much, and further links to which is the correct method.


      Re: Easy Flash Installation Script for 64-Bit Systems

      I must agree. I had major problems with 32-bit Flash under nspluginwrapper and there have been a few similar threads on the topic in these forums. The prelease native 64-bit plugin from Adobe is actually very stable and installation is a snap, Download and extract it from their site, put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins, restart FF, and you're done. Works great on every site I use.


        Re: Easy Flash Installation Script for 64-Bit Systems

        Well, the ndiswrapper method worked fine for me on my 64 bit system until Monday of this week and then flash stopped working, presumably from the latest kernel upgrade? I'm currently at 2.6.28-15-generic. Also running an updated Kubuntu 9.04 desktop.

        From lshw:

        product: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz
        vendor: Intel Corp.
        physical id: 1
        bus info: cpu@0
        width: 64 bits

        So I went to the Adobe site, downloaded the 64 bit plugin, followed their instructions, i.e., cleared out all of the old instances of and placed the new ones in all the browser plugin folders I could find: /opt/firefox/plugins/, /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/ and /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ - and still nada for me. I was supposed to see Flash as a plugin or addon from Tools/Addons/Plugins but it isn't listed. Neither does it show up in aboutlugins.

        I've tried the ndiswrapper route again and again no go.

        So at the moment, I'm SOL and don't know what to do next or how to even troubleshoot from here. Any help would be appreciated.


          Re: Easy Flash Installation Script for 64-Bit Systems

          Did you try ~/.mozilla/plugins/ ?
          If you run 'firefox' from the console does it spit out any messages ?


            Re: Easy Flash Installation Script for 64-Bit Systems


            I had too much trouble with flash and Linux ubuntu 2.6.28-15-generic on my 64 bit system, so I went back to Linux ubuntu 2.6.28-14-generic and all is well again.

            With my system the flash would only play about 12-15 seconds and stop. I tried re-installing all kinds of things and never could get it to work, went back to the Linux ubuntu 2.6.28-14-generic kernel, re-installed the flash plugin/installer using synaptic package manager and flash works again.


              Re: Easy Flash Installation Script for 64-Bit Systems

              Here I am. Back again.

              I had tried *everything* since my last post, including rolling back to an earlier kernel, and had reluctantly given up on getting flash 64 bit to work. Then I tried this guy's update script a few weeks ago and lo and behold, I had flash back.


              Then I made the jump and upgraded to Karmic and I'm back to no flash.

              I followed the procedure outlined in the link above but no joy with the new release.

              But I have a new data point and perhaps someone here can lead me further towards having flash work again.

              I installed ubuntuzilla today in my effort to get firefox working. To make sure I had the latest version I ran:

              kdesudo firefox

              For the heck of it, I went to Youtube and flash works!!! So something *is* right on my system.

              I did a "ps ax" and found that the firefox executable for "kdesudo firefox" was :


              Great!! So I tried that as my humble non-root user and no flash.

              What the hell is going on??

              Here's where is on my system.

              find / -name
              /home/krb/.mozilla/plugins/ (link)
              /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ (primary file)
              /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/ (copy of primary file)
              /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/ (link)
              /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/ (link)
              /usr/lib/firefox-addons/ (link to non-free)

              The primary file is in:

              This is one of the most frustrating problems I've had with my 64 bit machine. There has to be a simpler way. Life shouldn't be this hard.



                Re: Easy Flash Installation Script for 64-Bit Systems

                On my machine I uninstalled all flash* and then downloaded the 64bit code from here

                The only copy in my entire filesystem is in
                Seeing that flash works while running FireFox as root there may be some borked some file permissions


                  Re: Easy Flash Installation Script for 64-Bit Systems

                  Problem solved!!!

                  Somehow in the upgrade to Karmic and/or the move to ubuntuzilla, who knows, but javascript had gotten turned off in Firefox!

                  I discovered this after trying to use a site or 2 that required javascript and after allowing it using "No Script", the sites still wouldn't work. Did some googling around and discovered the need to go into "about:config" and double-click "javascript:enabled" from "False" to "True".

                  Very strange that javascript.enabled would have been "false" but that was my problem.

                  Hope this helps some other poor soul out there.

                  Thanks for the feedback everyone. This one was a bear.

