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How do I revert to a previous version of KDE?

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    How do I revert to a previous version of KDE?

    Not that I need it right now, but looking at some threads here, I get the strong impression that upgrading to new versions of KDE isn't always the clever thing to do.

    So - should I run into any problems with a new version - which steps should I take to revert to a previous, well working version?

    Re: How do I revert to a previous version of KDE?

    a) Use Backup / Clone

    If you have enough space at the harddrive or you have an external harddrive you could clone your Kubuntu installation. An old example > HOWTO: Copy kubuntu system

    b) Reinstall

    If you have a separate home > Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers >> FAQ: How to Partition >>> RecommendSeparateHome:
    Having a separate partition for /home is always a good idea, since it lets you reinstall your system without losing valuable personal data..

    c) You could downgrade packages


    > Topic: downgrading kubuntu intrepid back from kde 4.2 rc1 to kde 4.1.4
    > Topic: KDE 4.1 -> KDE 4.0 Downgrade
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: How do I revert to a previous version of KDE?

      Thanks, Rog..

      I have a 1 Tb disk, so a backup seems like the easier way...


        Re: How do I revert to a previous version of KDE?

        I run two instances of Kubuntu, one 8.10 with Kde3.5 and the other the latest.
        Large parts (like Documents, .Mozilla and .Thunderbird) of the Kde3.5 /home are linked to the Kde4.3 /home.

        That way I can experiment and still have a stable set up to revert to in case of trouble.
        All it needs is a ~15-20 GB partition for the experimental /


          Re: How do I revert to a previous version of KDE?

          I think that uploading kde 4.3 beta 2 in the backports PPA (that many people recently enabled to get amarok 2.1) was a wrong decision. There seems to be many people that upgraded unwillingly because of that. Experimental PPA would be a better choice.


            Re: How do I revert to a previous version of KDE?

            Originally posted by birdflesh10
            I think that uploading kde 4.3 beta 2 in the backports PPA (that many people recently enabled to get amarok 2.1) was a wrong decision. There seems to be many people that upgraded unwillingly because of that. Experimental PPA would be a better choice.
            You have a point, but from my own perspective I've found KDE 4 pretty experimental anyways, heh, I only run it on systems where I'm either (1) using the apps but not the desktop, or (2) perfectly willing to nuke everything. I'm writing this from a KDE4 session on my laptop right now, and I immediately noticed some of the improvements to Konqueror that 4.3beta2 has, so I'm thankful. When I'm running KDE4 I'm expecting it to be unstable and actually (since it's easy to fall back to another DE or window manager) I easily prefer the default to be keeping as up to date as possible on KDE4's development.


              Re: How do I revert to a previous version of KDE?

              Originally posted by birdflesh10
              I think that uploading kde 4.3 beta 2 in the backports PPA (that many people recently enabled to get amarok 2.1) was a wrong decision. There seems to be many people that upgraded unwillingly because of that. Experimental PPA would be a better choice.
              That happened to me today. Ugh. Enabled it to get Amarok 2.1 a while back, forgot it was enabled, blindly accepted an upgrade this morning before I'd had my first cup of coffee (read: impaired judgment), and pretty much blew up my laptop. :-( Just finished reinstalling everything. Earned a new battle scar today.


                Re: How do I revert to a previous version of KDE?

                A "me too" response. I accidentally upgraded thinking that I was just getting a later version of Amarok. And admittedly it has taken 4-5 days for the computer to straighten itself out but I have never seen an ALPHA like this. Even though no one should be surprised like this, I am glad I did it.
                Kubuntu 11.10<br />KDE 4.7.3<br />Athlon XP 2000<br />512 MB RAM<br />ATI 64MB Video<br />~11 year old system still kicking :&gt

