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[SOLVED] Installed printers disappeared from Printer Config in System Settings

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    [SOLVED] Installed printers disappeared from Printer Config in System Settings

    I wanted to print to PDF from my browser (I have cups-pdf installed) but the print dialog wasn't listing cups-pdf as an option, only my network printer.


    I opened System Settings, Printer Configuration and neither of them are showing as installed, even more curious as I only reinstalled them with Printer Config on Sunday! Just to prove a point I went ahead and printed the document to my network printer.

    Yet according to Printer Config I have no printers installed on my system but it was using that interface that I set them up in the first place.

    Any ideas?


    Kubuntu 20.04(AMD64)/KDE 5

    Re: Installed printers disappeared from Printer Config in System Settings

    Have you upgraded your system recently? Did you, for instance go from KDE 4.2.2 to KDE 4.3beta2?
    There have been recent reports that the printing dialog gets broken during upgrade. For instance here:

    One way of finding out which printers are actually installed, you could use the CUPS web interface by typing "http://localhost:631/" into your browser. If this works in your case, you can use it as a workaround to set the properties of your printers or add/remove printers to/from your system. (At least until this problem is fixed.)


      Re: Installed printers disappeared from Printer Config in System Settings

      Yes, I did a re-install and added kubuntu-ppa to my repositories and am now running 4.2.4. I tend to avoid beta releases as this is my work PC.

      However I've just been back into Printer Config and my printers have re-appeared in the list, my PC has been switched off in the meantime.

      Perhaps a reboot fixed the glitch, which is a bit unsatisfactory because AFAICT there weren't any changes to my system beforehand which would have impacted on printer configs.

      Thanks for your feedback. I'll mark this as solved as everything seems back to normal.
      Kubuntu 20.04(AMD64)/KDE 5

