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laptop doesn't turn off

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    laptop doesn't turn off

    Every time when I hit "shut-down" button, my laptop is turning off up to the moment when screen is black, but is still working. If I will hit Enter or Escape it will shut down shortly.

    Recently I noticed that on the screen:

     Halt unable to iterate IDE devices. No such file or directory
    Installation is clean. I didn't changed any boot options.

    Kubuntu Karmic Koala AMD64bit Acer Aspire 7520

    Re: laptop doesn't turn off

    I think that the message you quoted has no connection with your turning off problem. I have the same message on two computers and have no problems with switching off. Maybe most of us have the same.
    Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


      Re: laptop doesn't turn off

      I used to get that error, too. Josefko is correct that the error message has nothing to do with shutting down. I fixed both by modifying the /etc/init.d/halt script, interesting but not important, and by entering
      apm power_off=1
      to the /etc/modules file. Shuts down fine.

      The root cause was a boot message indicating that the BIOS age is too old for ACPI to work in a stable mode. Injecting an apm command into the process overcomes the ACPI power control problem. At least it worked for me, YMMV.
      The next brick house on the left
      Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


        Re: laptop doesn't turn off

        That's interesting, but I don't have line with this string in init.d/halt script. Shall I just enter it there? If yes than where exactly, because there is quite a long script written there ;-)

        In etc/modules I practically don't have anything. Just two modules that shouldn't be loaded with system.

        Kubuntu Karmic Koala AMD64bit Acer Aspire 7520

