On a clean install of 4.2.2 kubuntu.. my question is.. I have some tweaks, for ext3, concurrency, boot tweaks, stuff that works on all "buntus" and they do work.. my question is.. should i install 4.2.2. then tweak it, then update it w/default repos, then add the ppa one, to go to 4.2.4
or install 4.2.2. , update repos to ppa one, then dist-upgrade, then reboot and then tweak/add software I want.
whats the most stable way to do this?
any info/experience would be most appreciated..
or install 4.2.2. , update repos to ppa one, then dist-upgrade, then reboot and then tweak/add software I want.
whats the most stable way to do this?
any info/experience would be most appreciated..