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Manual Duplex with HPLIP and cups

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    Manual Duplex with HPLIP and cups

    Hi, I have an HP Laserjet 1018 and I want to print double sided pages (Print odd pages then stops you put the printed pages back in and then starts printing again) so I do some research and I find a software colled "GtkPsProc" that create a virtual printer that let me configure some more options than the defaults.
    The problem is that when I try to install it, gave me some error that I presume it has to be with the fact that I dont have GTK2 intalled.
    My cuestion is this, Is there any software similar to "GtkPsProc" that works with KDE 4 (kubuntu 9.04) that let me do manual duplex?

    Thank you!

    PD: I am from latinoamerica and English is not my primary lenguaje.