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Kickoff and "Focus follows mouse"

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    Kickoff and "Focus follows mouse"


    I hope I found the right forum. There is a problem with kickoff: I am using as a window policy "Focus follows mouse". When I open kickoff there is a gap between the panel and the kickoff menu. If I have a window opened in fullscreen and I move the mouse from the panel to the opened kickoff menu the window in the background gets focus and kickoff closes itself.
    My workaround is to move the mouse fast enough from the panel to the kickoff menu. Took me some time to figure out what the problem is, seemed like kickoff was crashing most of the time.

    I am not sure whether this is a problem with KDE < 4.3 (in 4.3 the gap seems to be removed) or if this is due to the kubuntu design.
    Questions: Any idea how to get rid of that gap? Should I report the problem directly to KDE?

    Re: Kickoff and &quot;Focus follows mouse&quot;

    Not sure, but you can also use the keyboard to open and navigate kickoff. Alt-F1 to open and use the arrow keys to navigate and enter to select folder or application. Or use the keyboard to use krunner with Alt-F2.


      Re: Kickoff and &quot;Focus follows mouse&quot;

      Originally posted by behlec

      I hope I found the right forum. There is a problem with kickoff: I am using as a window policy "Focus follows mouse". When I open kickoff there is a gap between the panel and the kickoff menu. If I have a window opened in fullscreen and I move the mouse from the panel to the opened kickoff menu the window in the background gets focus and kickoff closes itself.
      My workaround is to move the mouse fast enough from the panel to the kickoff menu. Took me some time to figure out what the problem is, seemed like kickoff was crashing most of the time.

      I am not sure whether this is a problem with KDE < 4.3 (in 4.3 the gap seems to be removed) or if this is due to the kubuntu design.
      Questions: Any idea how to get rid of that gap? Should I report the problem directly to KDE?

      You could grab whatever top edge of the menu has the invisible resize handle and stretch it out as far as you can. Once it reaches the top edge of the screen it seems to migrate a few pixels downward also, closing the gap. But the gap is gone anyway in my 4.3 beta. Still, the menu auto-vanishes as soon as the mouse pointer "strays" in any of the other directions - it's less than perfect. So I set a focus delay of 550 ms. Actually, I switched to the "classic" menu. It has become a lot more featureful than it used to be; if the developers fix the "Computer" submenu and remove-from-favorites bug and allow reordering or alphabetic sorting of menu items it'll be very close to what I want.


        Re: Kickoff and &quot;Focus follows mouse&quot;

        Thanks for the answers. Since the problem seems to be fixed with KDE 4.3 I wait for it.

