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Cant change Desktop Theme Oxygen ...

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    Cant change Desktop Theme Oxygen ...


    Thanks for reading my question. When i go to System Settings -> Advanced -> Desktop Theme Details, and download a new theme , just clicking "Get New Theme.." , after installing any theme, it appear in the combo box, where themes are selected. When i select one of theme, different from oxygen , the button apply still disabled. I supposed that if i selected a theme from the combo it automatically get selected to be the main theme. But no look, log out, log in, same theme. Restart OS, same theme. So i cant change the main panel look (the one who display all the apps, the K menu and etc...) . I already searched for comfirmation of this as a bug, but, ... found a entry where another user report this bug, and other user denied it. so..

    Any other user with the same situation?
    //Im also a developer and understand bug stuff. But im surprised that kde 4 series is always to buggy, at a level that is not ready for normal users...

    Thank you.

    Re: Cant change Desktop Theme Oxygen ...

    I have the same issue. I think we may have to open the system settings as super user. I would open it from a konsole, but don't know what to call it. Sudo system settings doesn't work.

    Can anyone else help out?


      Re: Cant change Desktop Theme Oxygen ...

      kdesudo systemsettings
      Or use the Alt+F2 menu and enter the same. Sometimes that can work better, as closing Konsole after launching an app from it can end up closing your app, I believe. That doesn't appear to be the case with this one in particular.

      Please notice that systemsettings is one word. And ~always use kdesudo for launching gui apps (search here for that discussion).


        Re: Cant change Desktop Theme Oxygen ...

        Originally posted by kjjjjshab
        kdesudo systemsettings
        Or use the Alt+F2 menu and enter the same. Sometimes that can work better, as closing Konsole after launching an app from it can end up closing your app, I believe. That doesn't appear to be the case with this one in particular.

        Please notice that systemsettings is one word. And ~always use kdesudo for launching gui apps (search here for that discussion).
        nope, this doesn't help...

        and kcontrol is installed, but not found when i type in "kdesudo kcontrol"
        there is even no such binary in /usr/bin/


          Re: Cant change Desktop Theme Oxygen ...

          oh, i've found a way to do this:

          On your Desktop, in a clear space, RIGHT click and choose Desktop Settings...


            Re: Cant change Desktop Theme Oxygen ...

            Originally posted by kuchumovn
            On your Desktop, in a clear space, RIGHT click and choose Desktop Settings...
            Yes, that's how you set the desktop theme

            Originally posted by Hsystem
            System Settings -> Advanced -> Desktop Theme Details
            Is a place where you can create new custom themes by combining parts of different themes
            (you still have to apply the new theme in Desktop Settings)

