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VirtualBox's USB is Grayed out

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    VirtualBox's USB is Grayed out

    I'm using Kubutu 9.04 jaunty. I'm using VirtualBox version 2.2.2. Can someone tell me how to fix the USB devices from graying out in the VirtualBox? I used the instruction for Ubuntu Hardy Heron. But, that didn't work.

    Re: VirtualBox's USB is Grayed out

    You need to download Guest Additions. You'll find a download link at the bottom of the "devices" button in the Virtualbox window.


      Re: VirtualBox's USB is Grayed out

      I have the same issue and I have installed Guest Additions. XP Pro guest on Kubuntu 9.04. It worked fine on version 8.04.



        Re: VirtualBox's USB is Grayed out

        Have you added yourself to the group vboxusers?


          Re: VirtualBox's USB is Grayed out

          I have the same problem, but I thought that was because I'm using the Open Source Edition.


            Re: VirtualBox's USB is Grayed out

            Originally posted by simonh
            You need to download Guest Additions. You'll find a download link at the bottom of the "devices" button in the Virtualbox window.
            I did install the Guest Additions. I'd made the machine in another distro and moved it to Kubuntu. I'd even unstalled the old version and installed the newer one.
            I even went here and followed it.
            I edited the file. It said I'll "see see a block of code that looks like this".
            # Magic to make /proc/bus/usb work
            #mkdir -p /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs
            #domount usbfs "" /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs -obusmode=0700,devmode=0600,listmode=0644
            #ln -s .usbfs/devices /dev/bus/usb/devices
            #mount --rbind /dev/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb
            I uncommented the last 4 lines above to look like this:
            # Magic to make /proc/bus/usb work
            mkdir -p /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs
            domount usbfs "" /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs -obusmode=0700,devmode=0600,listmode=0644
            ln -s .usbfs/devices /dev/bus/usb/devices
            mount --rbind /dev/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb
            Then copied it to the file.
            Because it wasn't in my file. I don't know if I should have done that or not.

            Originally posted by simonh
            Have you added yourself to the group vboxusers?
            Yes I have. I even made a group called "usbusers". Then added myself and root to it.


              Re: VirtualBox's USB is Grayed out

              I think I've found a fix for the problem. Well it worked for me. Found it here
              This is the fix someone posted at another forum. Here it is:

              1) # sudo gedit /etc/fstab
              at the end of the file add this line:
              none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=46,devmode=664 0 0
              (46 is the standard ID group for plugdev in ubuntu 9.04)

              2) save the file
              3) # sudo mount -a
              Thanks to rfs1970 at the Ubuntu Forums.

