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Kontact - Contacts/Addressbook LOST... or misplaced?

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    Kontact - Contacts/Addressbook LOST... or misplaced?

    In the 18 months since I've started using Kubuntu linux after abandoning MS, I've very rarely had to post asking for help. Almost always, someone has already asked the question somewhere, and diligent searching yields the results I've needed. Unfortunately, with this current problem, I'm at a dead end.

    During my upgrade of Kubuntu Intrepid, to Jaunty on all my home machines, it borked up using the standard upgrade process through adept. So, I was forced to download the iso and freshly install from a burned AMD64 CD.
    Fortunately, I had backups of the home directories for each machine. So, once I'd installed a fresh version of Jaunty, I utilized LuckyBackup to restore the home folder... a home folder originally backed up under Intrepid.

    For the most part, except for some minor inconveniences I was able to iron out... it went ok. The only really bad stumbling block I've run into, is that I've lost ALL of my Kontact contacts on both the wife's and my machines. After searching exhaustively for a couple of weeks for a solution, I'm posting now to ask for help.

    I've already looked at:
    for the .vcf files. They are ALL zero byte files. I also decided to search any location I could think of in the three most recent back ups of my home directory for .vcf files. Interestingly, those too are ALL zero byte files. How can that be, considering that those home folder backups were made in Intrepid (KDE 4.2.2), and DID INDEED display all my contacts in Kontact?

    I'm obviously missing something. For some reason, my original contacts in Intrepid MUST be stored somewhere else? Any ideas where that could be? I'm not horribly worried that my IRREPLACEABLE contact list is gone forever, because as I stated, I do have a home folder backup of the last time it functioned properly. I just need to find out where ELSE that information could be.

    Please do not suggest that I simply REcopy my original backed up folder over to Jaunty again, as I've made other changes that I don't want to lose in other apps, etc.... and I doubt that would do any good solving this issue.

    I'm not real familiar with how Kubuntu handles resources. I did a *bit* of reading regarding Akonadi. Also, I'm not sure it has any effect on this issue, but when I did a fresh install of Jaunty, I did assign it a new machine name. Could this have some effect on where Jaunty is looking for my addresses, since the old Intrepid home folder backup was copied over the fresh Jaunty home folder installation? I dunno, I'm just grasping as straws here.

    Anyway, any assistance helping me find my contacts would be most appreciated. Thanks.

    Re: Kontact - Contacts/Addressbook LOST... or misplaced?

    Here instructions on one way of keeping tabs on what your system is up to:

    sudo updatedb
    Will update your database and index all your files. It'll take a while, but you can now do a

    locate vcf
    It will list all the vcf files on your system. You can now change into that directory and do a

    ls -la | grep vcf
    to see which files are any good and which not.

    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: Kontact - Contacts/Addressbook LOST... or misplaced?

      Yep... done did that... and also again for good measure.
      As I wrote though, ALL my vcf files on both the current home folder, AND my prior backups... are zero byte files. That's what led me to the conclusion that for some reason, it was saving my contacts in a different format or location?


        Re: Kontact - Contacts/Addressbook LOST... or misplaced?

        Well, if you did the upgradedb business then we can exclude the possibility of a different location 'cos that way your whole system is checked. If they are all 0 bytes then that is bizarre. A different format? I've never tweaked kabc so don't know whether it is possible. However, in the years that I've used kontact this never happened.

        Sorry I couldn't be of more help and best of luck!
        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


          Re: Kontact - Contacts/Addressbook LOST... or misplaced?

          Originally posted by toad
          Well, if you did the upgradedb business then we can exclude the possibility of a different location
          I should have been more clear... not exactly different "location"... I mean possibly a different file type or extension.

          Are you saying that Kontact contacts are *always* stored only in .vcf files?

          Additionally, I should add that when I compose a new email message... I'm able to select "recent addresses" of people I'd emailed PRIOR to all these problems. Where are those addresses stored? I can't find them in any .vcf file, so the MUST be somewhere else. Any ideas?


            Re: Kontact - Contacts/Addressbook LOST... or misplaced?



              Re: Kontact - Contacts/Addressbook LOST... or misplaced?

              A different format? I've never tweaked kabc so don't know whether it is possible.
              Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                Re: Kontact - Contacts/Addressbook LOST... or misplaced?

                Ok, thx anyway for trying.

                BTW... I don't know if I've ever heard a *toad* "croak". Funny... that's going to bother me for awhile, trying to recall what toads "say".


                  Re: Kontact - Contacts/Addressbook LOST... or misplaced?

                  afaik I croak, frogs go ribbit

                  Let me know once you've got it sussed.
                  Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

