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How to add Guarddog to Autostart?

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    How to add Guarddog to Autostart?

    Does anyone know how to add Guarddog (or any program...) to Autostart? Guarddog requires sudo.
    The problem is that apparently by default all email protocols are blocked on startup. In Guarddog I have set up some exceptions for servers I'm actually using, but I always have to start Guarddog manually and click "apply", before any of my exceptions take effect and I can read my mail...
    quite annoying...

    I would like to add the guarddog configuration somehow to the autostart so that I don't have to do it manually every time I reboot. This worked automatically (without any user input in 8.10, now I have 9.04).



    Re: How to add Guarddog to Autostart?

    There's a button called Autostart in the Advanced tab of the System Settings.
    There you can add your program.

    Guarddog is a front end to change the IP tables and as far as I understand should not be required to run for the IP tables to be effective.

    When you consistently need to (re)set certain things there must be some different problem.


      Re: How to add Guarddog to Autostart?

      I know that and I agree with your interpretation.
      I don't know why I have to reset the IP tables through guarddog every time, but I hope putting it in autostart will be a work around...
      I have no idea how to edit the IP tables outside guarddog... and I have no idea what might be causing the problem...


        Re: How to add Guarddog to Autostart?

        You could try the Gnome front end called Firestarter, it would give a hint whether the issue is with Guarddog or elsewhere.


          Re: How to add Guarddog to Autostart?

          The problem with Guarddog still persists, even after an upgrade to KDE 4.2.4. I have not tried Firestarter yet.
          But I tried to put Guarddog into Autostart with root-permissions, so that I only have to click OK.

          It works on my laptop, but not on my office PC - there I still get a password prompt (but at least guarddog starts automatically).

          The way I gave root-permissions on startup is by editing the sudoers file; I added the following line:
          me All= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/guarddog
          And then I added guarddog in the autostart list. I also tried adding a script which starts guarddog - to the same effect...

          I did it in exactly the same way on my laptop as on my office PC - one works and one doesn't, although both run jaunty with KDE 4.2.4. The only difference I could think of is that my laptop was upgraded from intrepid and the office PC is a clean install.

          Any ideas?

