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[SOLVED] KMail won't send - 'transport invalid'

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    [SOLVED] KMail won't send - 'transport invalid'

    Under Intrepid I had no problems with KMail. Now I have a fresh install of kubuntu Jaunty on x64 and KMail won't send mail. I get an error box open:

    "Transport 'Knode mail transport' is invalid"

    Under Settings > Configure KMail > Sending I have the same settings I've always had. I use 1and1 and POP is ok but SMTP is not. The very same settings in Thunderbird work fine and I can send with that.

    Any idea what could be wrong? Thanks for your help.

    Re: KMail won't send - 'transport invalid'

    A fellow over in the KDE forums helped me and I solved this. Posting here for future generations. :P

    I had to uninstall kmail, delete ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail* and ~/.kde/config/kmail*, then reinstall kmail. After the first run it runs the setup wizard and after that it worked and I can send mail.

