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how do i implement X config changes?

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    how do i implement X config changes?

    I just did a new install of kunbuntu 9.04 on a second hard disk (preserving my old 7.04 installation on the first hard disk). Sadly, the new install failed to recognize that I'm running a dual-headed video configuration. No problem, thought I, I will simply edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and restart X. Nope. That lost me my X entirely. OK, so I replace the original xorg.conf file and reboot: back to the original problem. Then I try the command suggested in the xorg.conf file: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg Nope. This just over-wrote the file with the original information. Then I tried the command without the -phigh option. Nope. I was prompted for changes to my keyboard configuration, but not for information about my video/monitors configuration: back to the original xorg.conf, which gives me two monitors showing the same thing (no dual monitor view of a horizontally extended desktop).

    Any suggestions on how to configure X to get my dual monitor display back... or must I revert to using 7.04?

    Re: how do i implement X config changes?

    Editing xorg.conf should not loose X entirely, unless you put in something that will not work. There should be some record of the errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log. Depending on what display adapter you are using there may be GUI tools to help.

