I haven't upgraded to Jaunty yet. Still using Intrepid. But I was wondering if Google Gadgets Plasma integration had been added.
I know there was some sort of license issue that prevented it from being in Intrepid. I tried searching these forums, as well as the KDE and Ubuntu forums, and I wasn't able to find an answer as far as Jaunty is concerned. I launched the Jaunty LiveCD in a VM, and I didn't notice the option on the Add Widgets menu. But I didn't know if that's enabled via a package download instead of by default.
I know there was some sort of license issue that prevented it from being in Intrepid. I tried searching these forums, as well as the KDE and Ubuntu forums, and I wasn't able to find an answer as far as Jaunty is concerned. I launched the Jaunty LiveCD in a VM, and I didn't notice the option on the Add Widgets menu. But I didn't know if that's enabled via a package download instead of by default.