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DigiKam suddenly missing entire "export" dropdown menu

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    DigiKam suddenly missing entire "export" dropdown menu

    This is kindof weird, it was working the other day but now when I'm in DigiKam and I, say, want to export some photos to Facebook so I go click on the "Export" option on the top bar and . . . nothing, no options at all, just a little grey dot.

    I'm not 100% sure that makes sense, so here's a screenshot of what happens when I click "export":

    At first I thought it might be weirdness from running the KDE4 app in KDE3, but trying it in both KDE4 and LXDE (where it worked before) there's the same problem (the screen clip above is from LXDE for the record). Any ideas as to what might have caused this and how it might be fixed?

    Re: DigiKam suddenly missing entire "export" dropdown menu

    . . . no one has any ideas? Damn.


      Re: DigiKam suddenly missing entire "export" dropdown menu

      Yeah, there are ideas, but I don't know how helpful they will be.

      It may be that running it under kde3 trashed the configuration file. You might try renaming or deleting the ~/.kde/share/config/digikamrc file. This will trash all your digikam settings, and you will have to configure it all over, but it sounds like it's trashed anyway.
      We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


        Re: DigiKam suddenly missing entire "export" dropdown menu

        Originally posted by doctordruidphd
        Yeah, there are ideas, but I don't know how helpful they will be.

        It may be that running it under kde3 trashed the configuration file. You might try renaming or deleting the ~/.kde/share/config/digikamrc file. This will trash all your digikam settings, and you will have to configure it all over, but it sounds like it's trashed anyway.
        (My reply was long delayed because hardware problems and getting my landline back sidelined my Jaunty laptop for a bit, but I'm back now).

        Naw, if KDE3 caused this then it'd be the first time (shame for blaming it on the stable and polished KDE3 ), especially since for Jaunty it's segregated, with KDE4 apps running conventionally and KDE3 saving all its own configs to .kde3; but regardless, entirely removing my ~/.kde/share/config/digikamrc did absolutely nothing, so the mystery continues. Thanks for the suggestion, though, I don't know why that didn't occur to me to try. Is there perhaps another config file somewhere that might be held responsible?

        Alas, I always get these esoteric problems that no one else seems to *sigh*. It's the main reason my main desktop/server is still on Hardy, I've got it stable and all the unique quirks ironed out so I'm not touching it until I absolutely have to (and although in theory I love it, in practice I've had spectacularly bad luck with KDE4 and being unable to work around bugs, as this is an example of).

