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updating to 9.04 breaks system with this error

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    updating to 9.04 breaks system with this error

    hello there

    i recently updated kubuntu to 9.04 and it broke my system saying it is stuck is low graphics mode. some packaged may be missing? when i try to install them (one is freetype) it says that they are out dated?

    i was using compiz for 3d effects, and everything worked fine. except for the fact that i had to log out and log back in to get the 3d effects.

    now im just stuck. any suggestions? i definily do NOT want to do another fresh install haha

    help please

    Re: updating to 9.04 breaks system with this error

    You didn't say much about your hardware, so I can't say much about the drivers you need ....

    However, if you're willing to start with a default KDE 4 desktop and then work on your settings, including display drivers, you could probably do that by renaming the /home/steve/.kde folder to something else, and then rebooting into Recovery Mode, and choosing "Fix X", and then rebooting and logging in. So:

    1. Exit X with Ctrl-Alt-F1, and log in to the tty console there. Issue
    mv .kde .kde_bak_8may09
    then issue
    sudo shutdown now -r
    2. At the boot menu, choose "Recovery Mode" and then choose "Fix X", and then choose "console login" or whatever it says to give you the command line prompt

    3. On the command line, at the # prompt, issue
    shutdown now -r
    4. At the boot menu, choose your normal (first) option, and log in normally.

    You should get a plain vanilla KDE 4.2 desktop, from which to continue your adventure of discovery.


      Re: updating to 9.04 breaks system with this error

      i was strapped for time so i couldent post much information.

      thanks ill try this when i get home.

      i have a radeon 9200

      ouchkabibble i know

