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Automatic Update Notifications & Adept Manager

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    Automatic Update Notifications & Adept Manager

    I'm used to having the handy little Adept Updater icon in my panel to tell me when there are updated versions of packages available. However, it doesn't appear to exist in Jaunty. (I did install an "adept" package, but it doesn't seem to do quite the same thing.)

    So... I'm wondering if there is something similar in Jaunty? I'm not too familiar with Synaptic (though I did successfully -- I think -- install a package with it). I do know how to do updates from the command line via apt-get, but it's nice to have the notifier and GUI -- to see exactly what's being updated.

    Re: Automatic Update Notifications & Adept Manager

    Software Management (KPackageKit) has a default setting to notify daily if there are any updates. I've had a clean install of jaunty up and running for about a week now and have seen the little notifier appear twice already with a few bug fixes and software updates. It seems to be working for me.
    Linux — leaping tall "Bill-dings" in a single bound!
    Linux user #347469


      Re: Automatic Update Notifications & Adept Manager

      yes you wont see it if it hasent found eneything for you yet :P

      I saw it today acualey with security fix's and 1 update and it instaled them to

      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        Re: Automatic Update Notifications & Adept Manager

        As said the KPackageKit is the default package manager with the Jaunty.

        The automatic updates are enabled through the "Software Sources" /1/ or by editing the apt configuration files at the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/. If there are updates the update-notifier-kde /2/ will show the "update" systray icon.

        When you press the the update icon the update-notifier-kde will launch the default package manager. You could change the launched package manager by editing the script. Two examples:

        > Topic: Switching from Adept to Synaptic (intrepid)
        > Topic: Kpackagekit/Synaptic Updates (jaunty)

        /1/ The "Software Sources" is a gui: software-properties-kde / software-properties-gtk
        manage the repositories that you install software from

        This software provides an abstraction of the used apt repositories.
        It allows you to easily manage your distribution and independent software
        vendor software sources.
        More > Re: Turning OFF Update Notifier

        /2/ Package: update-notifier-kde
        Apt Status Applet

        An applet to show a systray icon when apt has software updates to be installed, when Apport has crash reports, for reboot notification and for upgrade hook messages.
        More > Re: Switching from Adept to Synaptic
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information

