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just a FYI on 8.04 to 9.04 upgrade

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    just a FYI on 8.04 to 9.04 upgrade

    hay all
    I just wanted to share my luck with the upgrade :P

    I had no problems at all with it.............I had instaled 8.04 from the livecd and was in the prosess of adding the extra reposatory's and aplying all the avalable updates and got a window saying that a distrobution upgrade was I let it.......and it worked fine.

    nice work dev's

    all my bookmarks and setings + the XP wireless drivers I had installed in 8.04 were kept and working..........thats right I did it over WIRELESS ..............and it seams great.

    now I have added fluxbox and use it ...........KDE4's eye candy and plasma are a bit mutch for my box a old HP pavilion xe763 700Mhz CPU 383 RAM intel i810 graphics

    [( Just a little rant now ---- WHY in the world dose every mager distrose new releses identafy IDE drives as SCSI? is IDE now obsalet .....eneyway)]

    dont get me wrong KDE4 dose run on it and not TO bad eather it just keeps sys load up a bit. so when I'm not showing it off I use fluxbox and get way lower load averigis.

    so all in all I'd half to say good work Kubuntu dev's.........looks like a keeper

    so now I have a triple boot box windowsXP ultimalinux8.4full and Kubuntu9.04 Jaunty Jackalope........ 8)
    what can I do to this pore box now.......Hummmmmm

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores