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Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

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    Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

    I seem to getting lots and lots of crashes with Amarok 2.0 in Jaunty, is this a problem for anybody else?

    Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

    yes, mate.
    not particularly stable here, either.
    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

      for me amarok seams to work fine but takes a while to load.
      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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        Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?


        amarok it's working nicely here!

        Did you do a fresh install or update?
        Did you start with a fresh database or your amarok database is from a older version and has been converted?
        Distributor ID: Ubuntu
        Description: Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (development branch)
        Release: 14.04
        Codename: trusty


          Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

          On my current laptop I did a completely fresh Jaunty install and Amarok still has serious bugs and crashes Interestingly enough, Amarok-Nightly seems to work far better for me with the exception that it doesn't have the ability to download podcasts; otherwise, the current SVN (right now working on 2.1) seems far more stable than 2.0.

          Of course, you could always add the KDE3 packages repo and then install Amarok 1.4. That's what I'm going to do as soon as I upgrade my main desktop PC to Jaunty (at the moment my landline is disconnected, alas). I think all you'd have to do after adding the repos would be

          sudo apt-get install amarok-kde3 kdelibs-data-kde3
          then make a shortcut saying

          PATH=/opt/kde3/bin:/opt/kde3/games:/opt/kde3/bin:$PATH KDEDIRS=/usr/:/opt/kde3/ KDEHOME=$HOME/.kde3 XDG_DATA_DIRS=/opt/kde3/share/:/usr/share/ MANPATH=/opt/kde3/share/man amarok
          So although Jaunty's Amarok seems flaky, it's pretty easy to install both the feature-complete past and ever-shiny future!


            Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

            Amarok acts like it is playing, but no sound. Volume is all the way up, but no sound. Worked before I went to Kubuntu 9.04.

            I uninstalled Amarok and then reinstalled. Still doesn't work.
            Thyme<br />Dell Inspiron 1520<br />Kubuntu (Jaunty Jackalope)


              Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

              Probably the front or PCM channel is muted. Open Kmix, click "show mixer window" and make sure the "Front" and "PCM" channels are not muted, and have the volume up at a useful level.


                Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

                That's what I had thought when I could not hear anything. But when I checked, PCM was not muted. The PC Beep was muted. Although I knew it wasn't relevant, I unmuted it. As I expected, nothing changed.

                Any other thoughts?

                Thyme<br />Dell Inspiron 1520<br />Kubuntu (Jaunty Jackalope)


                  Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

                  you may have the wrong channel set as "master" you can change this also within kmix . (right click on the tray icon you will see "select master channel" for refrence mine is set to pcm. on a friends laptop i had to change it to "master" for his sound to work.. hope that helps with your sound issue...
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                    Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

                    Yes, thank you! That was the problem. I am now working.
                    Thyme<br />Dell Inspiron 1520<br />Kubuntu (Jaunty Jackalope)


                      Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

                      The only problem I've been finding with Amarok 2 is that the queue feature doesn't select what I'm trying to apply it to if I've got the play list filtered... and I can not remove tracks I select individually from the play list.


                        Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

                        if i let a song play for a few seconds then hit next it will start the same song over but only sometimes ... it does not do it if the song finishes, in that case it acts as expected and just plays the next track...

                        i have the same issue with the queue, but i can remove single tracks from the playlist
                        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                        (top of thread: thread tools)


                          Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

                          Yes ........... its turned into an evil program,

                          I discovered two Java Based programs that blow it away ..... nd will soon overtake Amarok 1.4.10 in functionality




                          No more wolf for me ...



                            Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

                            I am usually open minded enough to try the new version of anything but I get no sound out of Amarok2. I've tried the mixer stuff to no avail.

                            Then tried Kaffeine and it had no sound until I configured it to use ALSA. now Kaffeine works fine. For now I will listen to Kaffeine.

                            Amarok 1.4 had the option to use ALSA, pulseaudio, ... as I recall, but Amarok2 gives you no choice that I can see.
                            I opened konsole and typed "locate amarok" to see if there may be a script I could configure it with. Locate Amarok returned about 400 lines! I very quickly lost interest.

                            Opinions are like rear-ends, everybody has one. Here's mine. (|)


                              Re: Ha anybody else had problems with Amarok?

                              cannot find jajuke but will look into atunes. Just wish Aimp was available on Linux.

