I just updates to 9.04 and don't know what app to use to import images from my camera. Digikam was the app I used with HH. Can anyone help? TIA
Just an update. I tried to install digicam with Kpackagekit and it said I had to uninstall libcraw3 or something like that, so I tried and Kpackagekit froze on me so I installed synaptic (from Kpackagekit, which worked fine) and from there had no problem installing digicam. Digicam seems to work fine importing images from a memory card, but it doesn't automatically open when I insert the card like it did with HH. JJ to HH is almost like learning ms vista to ms xp. only way, way better
Just an update. I tried to install digicam with Kpackagekit and it said I had to uninstall libcraw3 or something like that, so I tried and Kpackagekit froze on me so I installed synaptic (from Kpackagekit, which worked fine) and from there had no problem installing digicam. Digicam seems to work fine importing images from a memory card, but it doesn't automatically open when I insert the card like it did with HH. JJ to HH is almost like learning ms vista to ms xp. only way, way better