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New Linux user – How to add software????

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    New Linux user – How to add software????

    I am new to Linux and have used Windows and Mac OS X for years. I have just installed Kubuntu 9.04 on my desktop because I heard great things about it. The installation went fine, but not I am going nuts figuring out how to add software. I have just spent hours reading various forums and nothing works. I found Kpackagekit (and it took me a while to find it!), but it only shows what is already installed on my computer. I can't even get Firefox! I tried downloading it with Konqueror, but the file went into my documents for some mysterious reasons and I still can't figure out how to install it. I opened it and extracted it, but nothing happens. I've also tried to run "sudo apt-get install firefox' in the Terminal, but it says "Package not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source. Package has not installation candidate." What the hell is this? I thought Linux was supposed to be user friendly, but is nowhere near the Mac! How do I get Firefox, and Skype and the "kubuntu-restricted-extras" for my media files

    Also Konqueror works, but freezes when logging in to Hotmail. I can't even reach my inbox. And where is the firewall on this thing? I don't find the help pages very useful in general.

    Can anyone please help me understand how to use Kubuntu and to add software? Thanks a lot in advance.

    Re: New Linux user – How to add software?

    To find new packages to install with Kpackagekit, you go to the right upper corner and roll down the curtain saying "all packages". There you will find all the different categories, and clicking e.g. "internet" will show you among other things web-browsers. Also, entering package names in the search field and pressing "enter" will give you a list over available packages.

    It is strange that "sudo apt-get install firefox" did not work. Have you enabled all the repositories? ("Settings", in Kpackagekit) Kubuntu-restricted-extras should also be available through apt-get. But typing it in the searchfield should produce the package.

    I only came from windows little over a year ago myself, and found Kubuntu very easy to use. So I think that by just being a little patient for a while, you will get to like it very much.


      Re: New Linux user – How to add software?

      I just used kpackagekit to install some software, it worked ok. I noticed that firefox is now called aBrowser for various reasons to with the GPL licence. To be honest i prefer icecat.

      You should easily be able to install skype, firefox and anything else in a few minutes.

      Yes you're right it's not windows, no viruses or silly popups and all sorts of monitoring software installed; no need to defragment either. Once you get the hang of it, you will find it just works and you won't go back to windows, give it a month or so.

      kubuntu jaunty (9.04) is a big change from kde3 to a working kde4 desktop and there will be the odd problems for a few weeks, most troublesome bugs will be solved by updates very quickly.


        Re: New Linux user – How to add software?

        Thanks guys. I did select "all packages" and all that in Kpackageit many times, but it would only show installed applications, even after restarting my computer. For some reason, it's decided to work now. I must say my first impression is that it seems less user friendly than my Mac, but I'm willing to learn because I can't stand Windows.

        I have downloaded Skype and Firefox, at last, but every time I download something it asks me to choose an application to open the file because nothing seems enabled by default. And I am not sure what can open .rar or .tar or even pdf files. I still can't install Acrobat reader for this reason. Perhaps there is a better pdf reader for Linux (any suggestions?)

        Also I can't find the "control center". Is this the same as the "system settings" or is something else? I would like to configure Kubuntu to optmise it by disabling unnecessary animations, but can't find where to do this.

        Lastly, there was a small, translucent window on my desktop, showing my home folder and the trash, when I first installed Kubuntu, but now it's gone. Is it of any use and, if so, how can I get it back?

        Thanks a million for your help.


          Re: New Linux user – How to add software?

          When I run
          aptitude search firefox
          I find many version I can install. Abrowser shows even more.
          sudo aptitude install firefox
          gets firefox 3.0.9 no problem.
          After I added the Medibuntu repository following the directions at
          sudo aptitude install skype
          put skype on my system and working. I think I had to enable the restricted repository before I could run
          sudo aptitude install acroread
          but then okular is installed by default and is quite good.


            Re: New Linux user – How to add software?

            When you download something with firefox it is asking you if you want open it with a program OR save it to disk-you need to set the save directory in firefox.

            All system settings are in 'system settings'-to decide if you want animations when you start a program go to system settings >> desktop >> launch feedback

