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Setting a /home partition after install?

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    Setting a /home partition after install?


    I have used Linux for a couple years (about 10 +/-) and have always wanted to rid myself of Windows as my main OS. I have decided to just that after a fresh install of 9.04.

    Now for the question:

    I set up a 4gig swap partition and a 50gig drive for the install and the 50gig partition is /. I would like to leave the 50 be and give the rest of the unallocated space on my drive to /home, is this possible after install? I have a 500gig Sata drive and would really like to allocate this space without doing a complete reinstall?

    Thanks in advance for the help!

    Re: Setting a /home partition after install?

    Yes, but why not during install?


      Re: Setting a /home partition after install?

      Originally posted by mando_hacker
      Yes, but why not during install?
      I have been flopping back and forth between Windows and Kubuntu for the last couple of days. Had no real intention of keeping Kubuntu as my main system. If I would of went dual boot this would have for sure have called for a format and reinstall, at least in that respect I had made my life easier.


        Re: Setting a /home partition after install?

        there is a graphical interface for do it. Yoy have to install qtparted

        sudo apt-get install qtparted

        and the open it as root

        sudo qtparted

        you have to format the old windows partition ( maybe it is sda1? is the one with 446gig)
        format it to ext3

        get out qtparted and copy ALL file inside /home/ to the new partition (include hidden files)

        open this fstab file
        sudo kate /etc/fstab
        append the next line to it but replace sdaX with your partition ID (sda1?)
        /dev/sdaX /home ext3 users,auto,rw,nodev,nosuid 0 0
        repacle sdaX with your partition ID (sda1?)



          Re: Setting a /home partition after install?


          I had to use Gparted as it seemed QT was not in the repos. I also used usermod -d just to be certain there would be no problem.

          I didn't have Windows installed so sda1=swap(4 gig) sda5=/ (50gig) rest sda3 /home.

          Thanks again!


            Re: Setting a /home partition after install?

            I think youdo not want the users option on /home. That will cause it to be mountable by users, but /home should automount and be owned by root. The directories in /home should be owned by the various users.Mine says
            /dev/mapper/aircrazy1-home /home ext3 relatime 0 2

            Don't worry about the /dev/mapper business but notice it uses the default options except for relatimem and it has info about when to check the filesystem. (0 2)


              Re: Setting a /home partition after install?

              I used this guide:


              while your at it you might as well make sure that your / & /home partitions use the new ext4 file systems.

              You can download gparted as a iso and make a boot cd. Kubuntu will need about 7gb to be safe, having said that my total install plus programs is 2.5gb

              You can use the rest for /home. All you do is resize the / partition and create a new one using /home as the mount point

