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Unable to type in sudo box, no window frame and noise on login

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    Unable to type in sudo box, no window frame and noise on login

    Since upgrading to Jaunty, I have a had a series of issues. During the upgrade, the only error was b34cutter. Unfortunately, as this was the network connection, it meant that I couldn't report the bug, as I had lost network connection! This has since been restored using ethernet, but, the issues are as follows:

    1. Low volume, High pitched screech through the sound as I log in, seems to be connected to Wi-Fi, if the card is disabled, the noise doesn't happen.
    2. Unable to type sudo password in any of the boxes, so, have had to use apt-get command to update. If I do try to use a sudo box, I can't type in anything else afterwards.
    3. The window frames are all missing, I cannot move, resize minimise etc. And nothing shows on the taskbar.
    4. I only have 1 desktop, no amount of adding extra desktops changes anything!

    I have tried deleting the .kde & .kde4 folders in my home folder, this has not changed the window issue, I can't sudo, so I can't use the hardware manager to check the wi-fi card out, and I haven't had time to hack around in the terminal yet to see if the wi-fi card is an issue, trying to get the basics of the window working properly first.

    This is on a Dell Vostro 1500.

    I have so far managed to guide 3 others from the dark side into the light of Linux, but, have had to advise all 3 to stay with Intrepid until I am sorted, don't want them ending up with a barely usable system like myself!!

    Please help!!

    Re: Unable to type in sudo box, no window frame and noise on login

    You could boot in recovery mode, the 2nd option down on the grub boot up screen, but that's only console.

    To be honest, I just downloaded the jaunty alternate install cd and did a fresh install -just have /home on it's own partition then reinstalling doesn't matter and you don't get the strange problems after an upgrade.


      Re: Unable to type in sudo box, no window frame and noise on login

      Thanks davidlondon, I know fresh installs are better, but I have a lot of Java development environments set up, which took me ages to sort out, and I'd rather fix the issue if I can manage it, than whip it and start again.

      Unfortunately, when I set my machine up, i didn't have the foresight to split the HDD and have /home on a separate partition, I simply accepted the default kubuntu 7.10 settings, as it was just for a suck it and see!! Who'd have known that I'd end up loving it!!

      So, for a new install, it would take me a large amount of messing around with partitions, copying data and setting up the Java environment again!

      I get the login screen OK, and can log in as my user ID, but the first window I open fills the screen, and I struggle to open further windows (No task manager bar). I can get a terminal, hence how I managed to use the apt-get command to see if there had been any further fixes. I have not had chance to touch it again since unfortunately, so I haven't seen if there are any more updates. Was kind of hoping someone would tell me where the window manager stores it's settings so I could delete them, to start with, I can always start aps using sudo to get round the typing problem.


        Re: Unable to type in sudo box, no window frame and noise on login

        From what you say, it really sounds like a faulty upgrade. I'm not sure about java development, normally its just sun jdk.

        Also this is the first major change, ikde3 to kde4 and there are going to be problems for a while.

        I would look at any directories like .kde, .qt etc and settings directories that could be conflicting with the new desktop. Maybe just delete them an reboot.


          Re: Unable to type in sudo box, no window frame and noise on login


          Using an instruction found on the web, I have managed to be able to type in the sudo boxes.
          • Press Ctrl-Alt-F4, then log into the terminal
          • Run "rm -rf ~/.kde ~/.kde4 ~/.qt"
          • Log out of the terminal, press Ctrl-Alt-F7 to get back
          • Log in as normal

          I have checked there are no widow or desktop effects active too, make sure compiz isn't the culprit, but still no window frames, also added a test user, and that is exactly the same, so it appears to be a central thing as opposed to a setting of min gone wrong!!

          The Wi-Fi noise was a red herring, it is the sound card playing the login and logout tune that's causing the noise, again, on the net there was something about pulse audio being installed as part of the upgrade in error, but in my case, it's not there, and the alsaconf tool has been removed from alsa utilities, so I can't run that either.

          The Wi-Fi card itself will not enable, The Hardware manager detects it, and gives me the Activate button, but nothing changes when I press Activate, the notification comes up about eth0 (Wired) but nothing about wireless. I am going to give it till the end of next week, the repartition and do a fresh install.

          I was hoping for one of the Kubuntu Guru's to see the post, and tell me some simple fix, or request for more info or something at least!!


            Re: Unable to type in sudo box, no window frame and noise on login

            Further update:

            Window Frames:
            It seems the problem was simpler than expected for the case of missing window frames. After franticly searching round, and deleting settings files, creating a test user, which also exhibited the issue, I decided it must be a central thing, as opposed to a preference of mine. Checking through the log files, it became evident that there was an issue with the KDE theme, so, I simply changed from "Oxygen" to KDE2, and hey presto, window frames reappeared, and all manor of other things started behaving normally.

            The Sound issue:
            Again, simpler than first feared. In System Settings, within the Sound sub-menu, each of the audio outputs were, for some reason defaulting to Pulse Audio as the preferred device, In each case, I promoted the HDA Audio device to preferred, and the sound returned to normal.

            The Wi-Fi issue:
            Not completely solved, I can get Wi-Fi by starting the Hardware manager, and Activating the STA driver, but, I have to do this every time I login, it is not storing the settings, very annoying, but livable whilst an answer is found!

            Would appreciate any help on the Wi-Fi mysteriously forgetting settings issue if anyone knows this!! I have reinstalled kde-network-manager, and this hasn't helped.

