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Wicd / Network Manager conflict

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    Wicd / Network Manager conflict

    I am trying to install Wicd from Kubuntu Jaunty's repository. However the process stops and the "Dependency resolution - A package dependency coult not be installed - Remove the package network manager before" window appears.
    Actually another small window tells me that the process is finished, whilst it seem stuck on tryring to install the "GTK+ bindings: Glade support (python-glade2 - 1ubuntu1)" file and the progress bar keeps running back and forth forever.

    Then if I remove the Network Manager package as instructed I lose my Internet connection, hence I cannot install Wicd. Am I missing something obvious?

    Thanks in advance for any help

    Re: Wicd / Network Manager conflict

    Hehe, I ran into the same problem

    The solution is to first download the wicd deb and then un install the network-manager.
    Although you've now lost WIFI you can install wicd by right clicking the deb and selecting Open With (package manager)

    This is where you can get the deb:
    Select the needed flavour from the right hand list.

    A PS,
    Don worry about not being able to get network-manager back in case wicd wouldn't work, you can find it on the disk you originally installed from.


      Re: Wicd / Network Manager conflict

      wicd is also in the Kubuntu repositories. Just add a new source: deb "hardy" extras.

      Installation instructions are here:

      Of course, you need to change "hardy" to your distribution.

      And network-manager has to go before you can install wicd. If you are on a wired connection, you can download even without network manager by using the command line.


        Re: Wicd / Network Manager conflict

        The sourceforge repository is not an Ubuntu repository, although it contains packages for Ubuntu. Wicd is included in the Jaunty repository so not extra repository is needed.

        If you run
        sudo aptitude install wicd
        it will download all the packages it needs (wicd) and then start installing and uninstalling packages, so it will work.

        You could also run
        aptitude download wicd
        (no need to be root) and it will download the package to your current directory so you can later install it with
        sudo dpkg -i wicd_1.5.9-2_all.deb

