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kpackagekit - waiting for service to start

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    kpackagekit - waiting for service to start


    I've successfully updated to 9.04 - I then installed kpackagekit.

    packagekit takes an extraordinary time to sort itself out but does work eventually, but kpackagekit sits there with unknown state and if you click the refresh button a message pops up "waiting for service to start". It doesn't get any further.

    Anybody any ideas what I've missed? Or should I go back to adept?

    Re: kpackagekit - waiting for service to start

    Don't know what the problem with kpackagekit is, but I am staying with synaptic as my gui package manager. Adept is being discontinued and I don't think kpackagekit is mature at this stage.


      Re: kpackagekit - waiting for service to start

      I'm having the exact same issue with this program. If it's not "waiting for service to start," it's "waiting for other tasks" that just simply aren't running.

      Now, I'm a noob at most of this stuff, but I tried uninstalling the program by doing
      sudo apt-get remove kpackagekit
      but all I get is
      jesse@littlelightheat:~$ sudo apt-get remove kpackagekit
      Reading package lists... Done
      Segmentation faulty tree... 0%
      In addition, trying to install adept or synaptic gives the same two-line result.

      What am I doing wrong?



        Re: kpackagekit - waiting for service to start

        Try (in the Konsole)
        sudo dpkg --configure -a
        Post any errors. If there are not errors, then try
        sudo apt-get update
        and then
        sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
        to bring your packages up to current configuration.

        Then do
        sudo apt-get install synaptic
        If you're still having issues, post your /etc/apt/sources.list file so we can see whether you have all the standard repositories enabled.


          Re: kpackagekit - waiting for service to start

          Originally posted by ds_shellback

          I've successfully updated to 9.04 - I then installed kpackagekit.

          packagekit takes an extraordinary time to sort itself out but does work eventually, but kpackagekit sits there with unknown state and if you click the refresh button a message pops up "waiting for service to start". It doesn't get any further.

          Anybody any ideas what I've missed? Or should I go back to adept?
          KPackageKit doesn't give me any problems, but I prefer Synaptic because it is faster and easier to use. It is laid out more logically and it keeps a better history of what I've installed or removed, and when I did it. KPackageKit gets called when I click on the update gear notifier, and I use it to do those updates, but other than that it never sees my desktop.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

