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Kopete - doesn't pick up all accounts since upgrade

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    Kopete - doesn't pick up all accounts since upgrade

    Hi all

    Oddly, Kopete is only showing one account (an ICQ) within it's interface, despite there being three more before upgrade (all MSN accounts).

    /home/myusername/.kde/share/config/kopeterc contains all of the accounts by the looks, however


    Whereas if I open up the program itself the version is reported as Version 0.70.2

    Any ideas, is the program looking at the wrong config file?



    Re: Kopete - doesn't pick up all accounts since upgrade

    I'm assuming you tried to configure the accounts within Kopete directly?

    If not, why not just try doing that? Perhaps the upgrade didn't carry the information over.

    I configured it anew when I upgraded and I haven't had any problems (I have three acc'ts).

    I'm just throwing the idea out there. I'm afraid I can't help beyond that.


      Re: Kopete - doesn't pick up all accounts since upgrade

      Thanks for your reply. I haven't tried this (despite it being an obvious solution) as I don't want to wipe out my existing settings / years of chat history and the config appears to be there (if indeed I'm looking in the right place, I think kde4 uses the .kde folder now it is "standard" I may be wrong in that however?)

      This was an upgrade from the previous version of Kubuntu KDE4, so I'm a little confused as to why it wouldn't be able to read the existing settings (or rather read the one ICQ account and not the three msn ones).

      Edit - If I click "show offline users" it displays the contacts from the MSN accounts. So it's reading part of the existing config :S )

