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querying Amarok2 for current track info without dcop...

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    querying Amarok2 for current track info without dcop...

    I have this playlist-to-signature script that uses commands like these to query Amarok:
    what="“`dcop amarok player title`” by `dcop amarok player artist`"
    rating=`dcop amarok player rating`
    Then it uses ImageMagick to type the last three tracks into an image, and uploads it to my webspace.

    I must admit I found out about using DCOP for such things with nothing but the shell autocomplete. Now that DCOP has been replaced (or has it?) with D-Bus, I'm at a loss. The D-Bus and MPRIS docs don't seem concerned with cases like these and seem to be over my head for now. Is there a simple way to achieve the same?

    Thank you.
