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Synaptic - E: The package cache file is corrupted

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    Synaptic - E: The package cache file is corrupted

    E: The package cache file is corrupted
    E: _cache->open() failed, please report.

    Anyone else seeing that error with Synaptic when doing a reload of the package information? It works just fine when I go to open it .

    Edit: Blah... stupid Google with the answer:

    "In jaunty, the removal of packagekit solves the problem, updates working smooth again. At least that is a temp workaround."

    Re: Synaptic - E: The package cache file is corrupted


    Did you add any other sources to the package list ?
    Then you'll first have to edit etc/apt/sources.list as root
    and remove the bad sources.

    Then open the console and do :

    sudo apt-get clean
    (this will delete your broken package cache)
    sudo apt-get update
    (and this will update and refresh your package cache)

    If you didn't add any sources just do the above described
    sudo commands to repair your package cache

    Had the same problem last night after adding some faulty sources ...
    I hope this will help.

    Best regards,



      Re: Synaptic - E: The package cache file is corrupted

      I get that when I open Synaptic in response to a notification of updates availabe in the system tray.

      Apparently, and this is a guess, the notification system has a lock on the cache and Synaptic can't update it trys to reload it, so the error msg, which also closes Synaptic. When I open it again I have no problems.

      The problem has been reported. When the fix will appear in the repository depends on the difficulty involved in solving the problem, of which I have no clue.

      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: Synaptic - E: The package cache file is corrupted

        This appears to be fixed in the RC.

