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Kate forgets recently open list

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    Kate forgets recently open list

    Under JJ 2.6.28-11, Kate only remembers recently opened file names for the life of the session. If you quit and then restart Kate, the list is empty.

    Not crucial, but very useful.
    'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain

    Re: Kate forgets recently open list

    I have installed 9.04 on three different systems (several times!) and I can confirm this is the case for every installation. As you say, it is not a disaster, but when you are poking around trying to get the system the way you want it, it is an irritation.

    Roy Leith


      Re: Kate forgets recently open list

      Another minor annoyance I have found, not only in Kate, but in other utilities, is that when I click on "Open", the list of files is in inverse alphabetical order.

      Is this a parameter I can change somewhere?
      'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain


        Re: Kate forgets recently open list

        I'm not sure about the "inverse alphabetical order" problem, but if you open Kate and select Settings ->Configure Kate, open the Sessions page and enable Load last used Session and Save Session it will work.


          Re: Kate forgets recently open list

          Originally posted by joneall
          Another minor annoyance I have found, not only in Kate, but in other utilities, is that when I click on "Open", the list of files is in inverse alphabetical order.

          Is this a parameter I can change somewhere?
          Maybe right click into a file selector dialog, go to the "sorting" submenu, uncheck "descending"


            Re: Kate forgets recently open list

            Maybe right click into a file selector dialog, go to the "sorting" submenu, uncheck "descending"
            Great idea...

            but that only inverts the order for that one open or save operation. On the next one, the order is back to descending. And it happens in more than Kate, so it must be a KDE parameter. Where is it and how to change it?
            'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain


              Re: Kate forgets recently open list

              Did you try .kde/share/config/kdeglobals? Look for the "[KFileDialog Settings]" section and/or "Sort reversed=true" (or "false")

              Normally, I would expect the setting that's active in the application closed last before logging out to "stick"... but then I'm just some end luser...


                Re: Kate forgets recently open list

                Originally posted by abalone
                Did you try .kde/share/config/kdeglobals? Look for the "[KFileDialog Settings]" section and/or "Sort reversed=true" (or "false")
                Another nice try! But the value is alread "false". I checked also in .kde/share/apps/kate/sessions/ls/Default Session.katesession and is false there too.

                Bizarre, did I say bizarre?
                'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain


                  Re: Kate forgets recently open list

                  Okay, you win...


                    Re: Kate forgets recently open list

                    Originally posted by abalone
                    Okay, you win...
                    Believe me, I would rather have lost.
                    'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain


                      Re: Kate forgets recently open list

                      going back to the main subject...
                      Originally posted by aged hippy
                      I'm not sure about the "inverse alphabetical order" problem, but if you open Kate and select Settings ->Configure Kate, open the Sessions page and enable Load last used Session and Save Session it will work.
                      It didn't work for me. It seems Kate doesn't remember anything.
                      If I open the file /home/vinicius/.kde/share/config/katerc they are all there:
                      [KFileDialog Settings]
                      Height 1024=978
                      Recent Files[$e]=$HOME/.conkyrc,/media/Doideira/Arquivos_de_Configuracoes/vinicius/.gprename,$HOME/.conkyrc~,$HOME/.conkyrc.mmp.bak,$HOME/.conkyrc.bak,$HOME/.bashrc,/etc/conky/conky.conf,$HOME/Desktop/backup perfil PnR(com labels completos).html
                      Width 1280=1280
                      but it seems it just work for Open dialog.

                      I found another problem in Kate, if I go to Settings>Configure toolbars and put new buttons or change buttons order, kate simply ignores. Actually in that window the buttons list shows a list entirely different from the buttons shown in toolbar.

                      Kate isn't the only program that forgets settings. I guess there's something wrong with the default settings in Kubuntu. Where can I start a research about it?
                      &lt;Asus K8U-X&gt;&lt;AMD Athlon 64 3000+&gt;&lt;1.5Gb&gt;<br />&lt;NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 256Mb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 80Gb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 250Gb&gt;<br />Kubuntu 9.04 amd64


                        Re: Kate forgets recently open list

                        It "workarounds" for me but I don't think it should be necessary to do all this just to maintain a "recently opened" list. The session will of course re-open with all the old files in it -- which is not, usually, what I want when editing random files. So I have to close all files before exiting to make sure I quite with an empty session... but save that empty session anyway, just for the sake of its "recently opened" list. Also, Kate always segfaults on exit, or dumps "QThreadStorage: Thread 0x80a8b48 exited after QThreadStorage 2147483641 destroyed" to the console. I don't know if that's something serious.

                        So I think it's a bug, not a new session-oriented workflow paradigm...

                        Kate also forgets the placement of the sidebar(s) (I want them on the right side), but I don't know if it ever didn't.

                        Oh, and the word wrap settings from the View menu and the preferences seem to conflict with each other.


                          Re: Kate forgets recently open list

                          Originally posted by abalone
                          (...) Also, Kate always segfaults on exit, or dumps "QThreadStorage: Thread 0x80a8b48 exited after QThreadStorage 2147483641 destroyed" to the console. I don't know if that's something serious.

                          So I think it's a bug, not a new session-oriented workflow paradigm...

                          Kate also forgets the placement of the sidebar(s) (I want them on the right side), but I don't know if it ever didn't.

                          Oh, and the word wrap settings from the View menu and the preferences seem to conflict with each other.
                          Ok, then... now a newbie question: Where can I report Kubuntu's bugs?
                          &lt;Asus K8U-X&gt;&lt;AMD Athlon 64 3000+&gt;&lt;1.5Gb&gt;<br />&lt;NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 256Mb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 80Gb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 250Gb&gt;<br />Kubuntu 9.04 amd64

