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plasma widgets

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    plasma widgets


    After every restart my widgets are gone from my desktop. I have to reset them every time.
    Is there a solution?

    Main system: Dell Studio XPS 8100 with Kubuntu 10.04<br />Main system: Dell Inspiron 1720 with Ubuntu 10.04<br />Second system: Acer Aspire 1500 with Ubuntu 10.04<br />Third system: Dell Dimension Desktop with Kubuntu 10.04 and Windows Vista<br />Fourth system: Dell Inspiron with Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows Vista

    Re: plasma widgets

    I'm not sure of a solution, but it sounds like your file: ~/.kde/share/config/.plasma-appletsrc is not being saved correctly when plasma quits. You can test this by starting Krunner with Alt-F2 and then typing 'kquitapp plasma'. That will stop plasma (your screen will go black). Then to restart it again you type Alt-F2 and then 'plasma'.

    I'm guessing that your plasma doesn't quit cleanly and so it isn't writing the config file for the widgets you use.


      Re: plasma widgets

      I am encountering a similar problem:
      My widgets just won't stay in place where I put them. They group in the middle of the screen. If I switch a few times in Appearance Settings between Desktop Activity = Desktop and = Folder View, then sometimes the widgets keep their position and do not jump anymore to the screen middle.

      I am working on a Toshiba Satellite L40-17S
      Graphic card: Intel GMA X3100
      lshw sees graphic card as:
      id: display:0
      description: VGA compatible controller
      product: Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller
      vendor: Intel Corporation
      Patenting software as bit pattern manipulation algorithms is absurd because you cannot patent mathematical algorithms.

