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(solved)Can't install Digikam & Kphotoalbum together

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    (solved)Can't install Digikam & Kphotoalbum together

    I am trying to install both Digikam and Kphotalbum in Jaunty. If I install Digikam first, it works, but when I try and install Kphotoalbum it removes Kipi-plugins and then the Kphotoalbum works but not Digikam.
    If I have Kphotoalbum installed, Digikam then removes libdcraw3. Digikam then works but not Kphotoalbum.
    Is there a way of having them both work as I they did in Intrepid?

    Re: Can't install Digikam & Kphotoalbum together

    Originally posted by errol
    Is there a way of having them both work as I they did in Intrepid?
    Probably when the KDE4 version of kphotoalbum ( eventually makes it to the repos, though it probably won't make the Jaunty freeze looming about. So you'll have to wait for Karmic (unless someone backports the new version, or puts it in a ppa repo). And there is always the option of compling it yourself (though I'd have to warn you that it's currently just the first snapshot version, so there may be bugs).

    Just out of curiosity (since I haven't used kphotoalbum), why do you want both kphotoalbum and digikam?


      Re: Can't install Digikam & Kphotoalbum together

      Kubicle thanks for your reply. I certainly won't try to compile it myself. My Linux knowledge isn't too good .
      The reason I want both is the fact that they are for different purposes. Digikam is more for photo manipulation and can only be used with "available" photos i.e. photos on the computer at any given time. Kphotoalbum (if I understand correctly) is more of a "database" i.e. it will "store" photos even if they aren't on the computer. My idea is to have all my thousands of photos catalogued using kphotoalbum.
      I hope I'm understanding these programs correctly. When I can get them both up and running I'll be wiser.


        Re: Can't install Digikam & Kphotoalbum together

        Originally posted by errol
        My idea is to have all my thousands of photos catalogued using kphotoalbum.
        You can probably accomplish that with digikam, though I don't know if kphotoalbum is better at it

        Anyway, no harm in trying/using both, you just have to wait for a new version kphotoalbum.


          Re: Can't install Digikam & Kphotoalbum together

          Wow, Thanks I'll try it out


            Re: Can't install Digikam & Kphotoalbum together

            KPhotoAlbum & KDE 4

            Home > KPhotoAlbum (KDE Photo Album)

            Developers notes:

            Download - Snapshots
            ...I personally only runs the snapshot versions now (I only do have a KDE 4 desktop, and the KDE3 version of KPhotoAlbum doesn't really work that well on that), but of course please turn backup of index.xml file on if you use this on your own real database...
            - (Viewer) drawing on images from the viewer does not work.
            - (ThumbnailView) Tool tip window in the thumbnail viewer does not work.
            - (MainWindow) Version number is not displayed in the splash screen
            - (ImageManager) Loading raw images does not work
            - (AnnotationDialog) The editor does not do spell checking.
            BUGS To be handled soonish
            - Adding a new ListSelect will not show it up initially.
            - renaming a category should not result in the listselect being placed
            different in the image property page.
            - Config window layout should be saved when a new tab has been created.

            Kubuntu & KPhotoalbum (-KDE4)

            Earlier > “kphotoalbum-kde4” source package in Ubuntu
            Deleted in hardy-release on 2008-03-28 (Reason: FTBFS, not released as part of KDE4)
            > FTBFS wiki
            In computer programming, FTBFS stands for "Fails To Build From Source". It describes the situation where source code cannot be compiled to machine code, which is a common problem in software development. It is considered slang and mainly used within the Debian and Ubuntu Linux projects...
            Many unofficial binaries can be found from the PPA repositories ( > FAQ: Repositories )
            > Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu > Show PPAs matching: kphotoalbum...

            At the moment: kphotoalbum-kde4 (4.0~svn946967~jaunty~ppa1)

            Testing (Digikam & Kphotoalbum-KDE4 both installed):

            Below you may see the list of compile- and runtime features KPhotoAlbum has, and their status:

            Plug-ins available Yes
            EXIF info supported Yes
            SQL Database Support Yes
            Sqlite Database Support (used for EXIF searches) Yes
            Video Thumbnails support Yes
            Video support Yes

            Exif error (?):
            There was an error while executing SQL backend command. The error is likely due to a broken database file. To fix this problem run Maintance-> Rebuild EXIF database..

            Maintance-> Rebuild EXIF seems to fix that.

            Everything seems to work...
            Before you edit, BACKUP !

            Why there are dead links ?
            1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
            2. Thread: Lost Information


              Re: Can't install Digikam & Kphotoalbum together

              rog131 I tried to understand what to do but I didn't make much headway. What I did was place the relevant reposites into the sources.list and then try and install kphotoalbum. I'm sur there is more stuff I should be doing but my understanding of your instructions obviously isn't adequate.


                Re: Can't install Digikam & Kphotoalbum together

                The safest way is to download single packages /1/. The kphotoalbum-kde4 can be found here > kphotoalbum-kde4 (4.0~svn946967~jaunty~ppa1).

                After download: Right click .deb package > Open With > GDebi Package Installer...

                If you want to add that PPA repository to your sources list /1/:

                Press Alt + F2 an type:
                kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysources.list
                add there:
                deb [url][/url] jaunty main
                save and exit kate.

                Update package database:
                sudo apt-get update
                It will whine:
                W: GPG error: jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key isnot available: NO_PUBKEY ...
                W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
                It is a warning because there is not PPA's keys /1/.

                Install kphotoalbum-kde4:
                sudo apt-get install kphotoalbum-kde4
                Read the warnings:
                WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!...
                Install these packages without verification [y/N]?
                After the installation deactivate that repo:
                Press Alt + F2 an type:
                kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysources.list
                add there #:
                # deb [url][/url] jaunty main
                save and exit kate.

                Update package database:
                sudo apt-get update

                /1/ > How i'm using the PPA repositories.
                Before you edit, BACKUP !

                Why there are dead links ?
                1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                2. Thread: Lost Information


                  Re: Can't install Digikam & Kphotoalbum together

                  Rog131 thanks for your explanations. As usual you have solved a problem for me. They both now work.
                  Thanks again


                    Re: (solved)Can't install Digikam & Kphotoalbum together

                    > KPhotoAlbum 4.0
                    Ported to KDE 4, see details at
                    KPhotoAlbum for KDE 4 released
                    (11 May 2009 15:00:00 +0200)

                    After years of migrating efforts KPhotoAlbum for KDE 4 was finally released today...

                    ... and the Karmic Koala (Kubuntu 9.10) is having it > [ubuntu/karmic] kphotoalbum 4.0-0ubuntu1 (Accepted)
                    Before you edit, BACKUP !

                    Why there are dead links ?
                    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                    2. Thread: Lost Information

