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Qtcurve configure button is grayed out

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    Qtcurve configure button is grayed out


    I am on Kubuntu Jaunty and was ricing the looks.. but I can't install or modify qtcurve themes because the "configure" button is grayed out for qtcurve in the style settings. This shouldn't be because I know from before that qtcurve had a control panel.

    Here is an image of it:

    Also, while having a qtcurve theme set I have to doubleclick on things to open in file dialogs and system settings panel which I otherwise don't...

    EDIT: Another somewhat related issue is that when I select in gtk-qt-engine preferences to use my KDE theme in GTK apps and it says to restart KDE to activate settings and I do; it just switches back to using the qtcurve theme instead as if I've never changed anything.


    Re: Qtcurve configure button is grayed out

    The configuration option used to come with the package "kde-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig" and kde-style-qtcurve was the plain qt4 version (without kde configurability)...kde-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig has been removed, so I'm guessing the next version of kde-style-qtcurve will be built with the kde config options. The sources for the next version are already in the repos, just no deb package built yet (

    Originally posted by libervisco
    Another somewhat related issue is that when I select in gtk-qt-engine preferences to use my KDE theme in GTK apps and it says to restart KDE to activate settings and I do; it just switches back to using the qtcurve theme instead as if I've never changed anything.
    Possibly this issue?:

    EDIT: the new version of kde-style-qtcurve is available from the repos, and seems to work


      Re: Qtcurve configure button is grayed out

      Thanks kubicle.

      I still didn't get an update of that package via kpackagekit, but I downloaded and installed that deb file and the config box now works.

      About the gtk-qt thing though I tried renaming .gtkrc-2.0-kde4 to .gtkrc-2.0-kde, but it didn't seem to work. I might play with that later.



        Re: Qtcurve configure button is grayed out

        Originally posted by libervisco
        I still didn't get an update of that package via kpackagekit, but I downloaded and installed that deb file and the config box now works.
        It can take a few hours for local repository mirrors to update.

        About the gtk-qt thing though I tried renaming .gtkrc-2.0-kde4 to .gtkrc-2.0-kde, but it didn't seem to work. I might play with that later.
        Does it not work on all apps (as opposed to not working on apps started as root, like synaptic, in which case you might try renaming the file in root's home directory as well).

        As a suggestion, you probably don't need gtk-qt-engine anymore (especially if you use qtcurve as your kde4 theme, like me), the qtcurve gtk engine is the new default in Jaunty, and works better in most cases than the "use my qt theme in gtk" provided by gtk-qt-engine.


          Re: Qtcurve configure button is grayed out

          You can also take a look at this thread:
          Software tips (in Norwegian):

