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[SOLVED] kpackagekit

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    [SOLVED] kpackagekit

    trying to give kpackagekit a try.
    but doesn't work.
    the bloody thing...

    gui starts up.
    no packages are shown.
    whenever i try to do anything i get:
    "Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1"

    i have no issues whatsoever with synaptic.
    which i end up using every time, since package management in kubuntu seems to have no hope.
    i checked my packages and dependencies.
    i cannot see anything macroscopically wrong.
    must say i have jj installed since alpha something, so it's not a clean beta installation.
    but kpackagekit didn't work before either, anyway.
    any ideas?

    here's what i see if i start it from command line and hit "software updates"
    $ kpackagekit
    KPackageKit(6879) kpackagekit::KPackageKit::newInstance: SHOW UI!
    KPackageKit(6879) kpackagekit::KPackageKit::showUi: GO UI!
    KPackageKit(6879) KpkAddRm::setCurrentAction:
    enumFromString ( Group ) : converted "unknown" to "Unknown" , enum value -1
    KPackageKit(6879) KpkTransactionBar::setBehaviors: Hide! 1
    $ KPackageKit(6879) KpkTransactionBar::setBehaviors: Hide! 1
    New transaction with tid "/24_bedeedbe_data"
    New transaction with tid "/25_aebccaed_data"
    removing transaction from pool : "/24_bedeedbe_data"
    removing transaction from pool : "/25_aebccaed_data"
    KPackageKit(6879) KpkAddRm::~KpkAddRm: Saving filters settings
    gnu/linux is not windoze

    Re: kpackagekit

    Originally posted by jankushka

    no packages are shown.
    whenever i try to do anything i get:
    "Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1"

    i have no issues whatsoever with synaptic.
    which i end up using every time, since package management in kubuntu seems to have no hope.
    i checked my packages and dependencies.
    i cannot see anything macroscopically wrong.
    must say i have jj installed since alpha something, so it's not a clean beta installation.
    but kpackagekit didn't work before either, anyway.
    any ideas?
    I'm just getting started with 9.04, so this may be "first impression" -- but, if you open KMenu>System Settings>Add and Remove Software (which used to truly suck), it now puts you into KPackagedit. It doesn't show any packages immediately, but there's a drop-down window on the upper right of the GUI, and if you drop it you have the "official categories" of all software, and then if you choose a category, it appears to do a good job of showing you all the packages for that category. Seems to work OK here.

    P.S. Any computer operation that assumes a priori knowledge by the operator of the "official categories" as established by the developers is not exactly a helpful approach ....


      Re: kpackagekit

      Before I could get it to work, I had to click the refresh button. After a loooong time (my line is EXTREMELY slow), it was updated and showed me available updates.

      I still have hopes for this program as it could make updating and installing very easy for newcomers.
      Software tips (in Norwegian):


        Re: kpackagekit

        Originally posted by dibl
        KMenu>System Settings>Add and Remove Software (which used to truly suck)...
        that works here too.
        although i don't see the "official categories" drop down you talk about.
        there's nothing in the upper right of "my" gui.

        but is this kpackagekit?
        i have an entry under kmenu->applications->system->kpackagekit

        i thought it was some some of qt port of synaptic.
        or so i hoped...
        gnu/linux is not windoze


          Re: kpackagekit

          I will attempt to paste in an image of what I'm seeing. Where you see the red circle is a drop-down menu of "classifications" (Communications, Utilities, Office, Graphics, Internet, etc.). If you choose a category, then you see the available packages for that category.

          Attached Files


            Re: kpackagekit

            that's kpackagekit.
            thanks dibl.

            thanks everyone.

            it seems the latest batch of updates fixed it.
            it works now.
            well, sort of...
            we should ask to add a "no-category" category to get all the packages.
            since the "all packages" category doesn't seem to do much...

            guess it's "apt-get install synaptic" yet again.

            cheers folks.
            i'll flag this thread as "solved".

            is it just me that hates this "+" and "-" thing in the new tools?
            gnu/linux is not windoze


              Re: kpackagekit

              Originally posted by jankushka

              is it just me that hates this "+" and "-" thing in the new tools?
              Not just you, Jan.


                Re: [SOLVED] kpackagekit

                Not only you. I might not hate them so bad except they seem backward to me.


                  Re: [SOLVED] kpackagekit

                  first i had the same reaction as dibl's.
                  i went "oh, my god what's this now?"
                  but i couldn't make up me mind as to what made them so funny.
                  it took me a while.
                  they're big.
                  and they' and green (i mean, come on: red and green?)
                  they don't seem to fit at all, do they?
                  and i got it eventually.
                  mando_hacker's right.
                  they seem backward.
                  they look like they could have been borrowed from a different desktop environment.
                  a desktop environment...of the 80s!
                  gnu/linux is not windoze

