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Saving edits to the kmenu doesn't work

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    Saving edits to the kmenu doesn't work

    I found a lot of information regarding this problem but no good solutions. It's most likely a permissions problem. I checked my home directory and /var/tmp (hidden directories too) and group ownership is good, nothing owned by root. I also tried creating a new user and results were the same. I can delete items from the kmenu and save them but adding new items is a no-go.

    linux && bash = "the future"

    Re: Saving edits to the kmenu doesn't work

    Which version of Kubuntu are you using?

    I am using Kubuntu 9.04 with the latest updates and have no problem adding entries to the menu. I right mouse on the K icon in the left side of the tool panel and select "Edit Menu".

    Have you edited your account entry using Kuser?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Saving edits to the kmenu doesn't work

      I'm on the latest Alpha release, Alpha 6, fresh install on a test partition. I was using the context menu to launch the kmenu editor. It lets me edit entries but none of the changes are saved. I was trying to add an entry for Intellij IDEA under the Development sub-menu.

      I do think the problem is permissions based but not of my own doing. I created a new user after I experienced the problem with my default user account and observed the same behaviour. I have not tried editing as root but I bet it works. I poked around the KDE forums and found one or two posts about a bug. Any ideas?

      linux && bash = "the future"


        Re: Saving edits to the kmenu doesn't work

        I upgraded everything today and that got rid of the kmenu issue. I'm able to edit with the latest packages from the repository. The auto detection is working a little better too. When I installed Alpha 6 on a T61 Lenovo (Intel 965) with an external VGA plugged in I got a black screen when booting KDE. I got rid of it by upgrading from the repository after a restart. I still have to reset my screen resolution every time I restart but that's fine for an Alpha release. I'm looking forward to the final release. I'm liking KDE 4.2 and Kubuntu after running 3.5 on a Gentoo system for a long time.

        linux && bash = "the future"

