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Multiple accounts - switching to another user crash computer

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    Multiple accounts - switching to another user crash computer

    Hello folks!
    Every time I had to switch to another user (2 accounts, me and my sister) using "Switch User", I can log in with success but soon or later the desktop froze entirely (mouse, keyboard, no even a sound from pc or hard disk activity), then I have to reboot (and sometimes the profiles resets to default). I'm using alpha5, all updated (daily) and I've noticed this occurs since alpha4 (when I begin to use).

    Even logout and login with another user, the desktop will freeze soon or later.

    Hardware: HP Pavilion Pentium D 925, 2 GB ram Kingstone (already scanned with success by memtest86), 250 GB HDD (root+other partition both ext4 + swap)

    Does it occurs with anybody else?

    Re: Multiple accounts - switching to another user crash computer

    Actually anybody CAN use properly multiples accounts (switching on them or log out and log in to another) on Jaunty alpha 5 without the issues cited above?


      Re: Multiple accounts - switching to another user crash computer

      Is there any relationship between changing user accounts and the desktop "freeze"? Try logging in with just one user, and leave it that way while you do your normal activities. Is there any desktop freeze with only one user logged in? I suspect it will freeze, sooner or later, meaning the "second user issue" is not related to the "freezing desktop issue". Unless you are on the very edge of not enough memory or disk space.


        Re: Multiple accounts - switching to another user crash computer

        Originally posted by dibl
        Is there any relationship between changing user accounts and the desktop "freeze"? Try logging in with just one user, and leave it that way while you do your normal activities. Is there any desktop freeze with only one user logged in? I suspect it will freeze, sooner or later, meaning the "second user issue" is not related to the "freezing desktop issue". Unless you are on the very edge of not enough memory or disk space.
        This is what I do, I logging in with my user and when my sister needs to use her account I cannot use the "switch user" option to log in (it will freeze indeed). It's very weird. 2 GB ram I think is enough. On KDE 3.5.x I've used a lot this option...

        Now that you mentioned "not enough memory or disk space", sometimes when I upgrade a lot of packages (via adept) it displayed a message "not enough space left on device", but my root partition has 33 GB, with 22% used, and on that occasion still have some space free indeed. I think it is related or whatever...

        But Jaunty is still a alpha, I have reinstalled so many times and this odd behaviour still there...


          Re: Multiple accounts - switching to another user crash computer

          I did it again - switched user, opened dolphin (took a lot of time and asked to terminate it), switch back, open the firefox, changed the desktop theme and it freezes again - made a coffee and 10 min after still frozen :/

          Searching similar bugs in lauchpad I think it's possibility related to driver issues - I'll submit it as a bug and forget this option for a while

          Thank you for your reply dibl

