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Automatically start specific kwin effects

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    Automatically start specific kwin effects

    I was trying to figure out how to automatically start the "snow" effect on login, but can't seem to figure it out.

    dbus-monitor revealed this message when pressing the hotkey to start the effect

    signal sender=:1.2 -> dest=(null destination) serial=9552 path=/modules/kdedglobalaccel; interface=org.kde.KdedGlobalAccel; member=invokeAction
    array [
    string "kwin"
    string "Snow"
    string "KWin"
    string "Snow"
    int64 46476627

    Which really didn't lead me anywhere. It appears to be a dbus signal sent out that invokes the snow effect, but I couldn't figure out how to send it out myself using qdbus.

    I also looked at the functions in /usr/share/dbu-1/interfaces/org.kde.KWin.xml but did not find anything I could call with qdbus that would activate the effect. The fucntions in the KWin interface seem to load/unload effects from kwin but not actually run them.