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Wireless problem on live CD

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    Wireless problem on live CD

    Hi sorry if this is a very obvious question, I am trying to install kubuntu on my step daughters computer after XP has gone error balistic however wireless is a must for her. When using the live CD the wireless option that it has appears to work perfectly, I left click the icon on the bottom right up pops a very nice looking network connection box with the wireless networks name, however when I select and then type in the password the connection fails. The password is definitally correct, I cannot think what the problem is?. The computer picks up 3 wireless networks so it is working, it just wont connect.

    Re: Wireless problem on live CD


    You are almost there. There are some settings for an encrypted connection that you need to get right. How many bits encription, whether it's ad-hoc or infraestructure, I think the channel ... the easiest way to know what to use is to connect to the router with a wired connection and check the wifi settings. Otherwise, a bit of trial and error. Note that the key can be passed as HEX or ASCII ...


      Re: Wireless problem on live CD

      Hi do you know where I can get those bits of information?. I kinda just thought that when it found a wireless broadcast it could connect with the password?. Otherwise it kinda causes a problem using wireless say in cafes that have it or libraries etc?


        Re: Wireless problem on live CD

        No, Cafes and Libraries have open networks, I've used wifi in Kubuntu in a hundred places. In hotels, you typically get in your browser a webpage hosted by the hotel where you enter a password provided by the hotel.

        Now, again, in your case, at home, you need to check in your router, or just try until you hit it. There are not that many combinations. Just google for the name of your router and "configure" or something. It is configured by navigating to an address, something like, etc (depends on the router)


          Re: Wireless problem on live CD

          Originally posted by lmilano
          No, Cafes and Libraries have open networks, I've used wifi in Kubuntu in a hundred places. In hotels, you typically get in your browser a webpage hosted by the hotel where you enter a password provided by the hotel.

          Now, again, in your case, at home, you need to check in your router, or just try until you hit it. There are not that many combinations. Just google for the name of your router and "configure" or something. It is configured by navigating to an address, something like, etc (depends on the router)
          Hi I have the information but have no idea what to do with it, I am running kubuntu from disc with the ethernet, i can connect to the belkin control panel and get the info but its all different for instance BSSID - i can find no such thing anywhere on the belkin control panel, nor anything to do with infrastructure or ad hoc, I can find two mac addresses and two DNS addresses, im really lost as to what im to do/where the info is to go. I know the password which when I enter it fails I have no idea which boxes im meant to fill in and where I get the information from.


            Re: Wireless problem on live CD

            There is a default admin password in each router, you can google for that. You might need it to read the info you need (but I wouldn't change any settings). You need to go to the wireless section and browse around, and see what type of authentication it uses. Good luck!


              Re: Wireless problem on live CD

              I need the default instead of the one I have set for the wireless?, I have changed the wireless password from nothing (default) to something else.


                Re: Wireless problem on live CD

                Ok, this has nothing to do with Linux but I am glad we are doing it. Actually, this is a good read:

                You need to set up some encription, or else anyone will connect (a huge security concern, let alone people using your wifi to do wrong stuff). Unless you have nick filtering, you are open to the world. I recommend you set up encription, either with a passphrase, or whatever method you choose, and then see what's the key you are supposed to use, etc. Then you try to connect from your laptop.


                  Re: Wireless problem on live CD

                  Hi sorry I have already got encryption always have had on the wireless. I know the password to it, but kubuntu wont accept it. Thats whats causing my confusion, I figured that when I clicked the wireless thing and entered the password it failed to connect.

                  I have looked at the wireless thing on kubuntu and its asking for information that I dont understand/know how to get. I have worked out the connection type, not ad hoc the other one (cant remember its name), its the other bits i cant get the information for and im not sure which of the boxes on the kubuntu add connection screen thing im meant to fill and which im not.

                  Before this to connect to anything I have simply clicked the netword, entered the password and thats been it, that unfortunatly is the full extent of my knowledge.

                  Looking at your above post you speak about configuring, you mentioned the ip's and 198.168.2. thats the combanation of mine, .1 is the control panel and others are connections, how do I use that information to get the kubuntu thing to work?


                    Re: Wireless problem on live CD

                    I see, it looks like the other computers you used (Mac/Windows) used by default the same as in the router for these things. Do you have anything around to test the router is still up? I'll try to send you a screenshot tonight of how it works for me ...


                      Re: Wireless problem on live CD

                      Originally posted by lmilano
                      I see, it looks like the other computers you used (Mac/Windows) used by default the same as in the router for these things. Do you have anything around to test the router is still up? I'll try to send you a screenshot tonight of how it works for me ...
                      Hi yeah we have macs and windows laptops around all work on the wireless and are using it the now. That would be great to see a picture and get an idea of how others are doing it. If it can find the network surely there must be a way to connect to it.


                        Re: Wireless problem on live CD

                        Here we go:

                        1st shot: you can try both infrastructure and ad-hoc

                        2nd: it seems for what you say that you are using a passphrase - I am using a key, in WEP
                        There are a few options there to play with, but really, not too many combinations

                        3rd: thats almost certainly DHCP

                        So, most of what you can play with is in the second screen, I would try until hitting it

                        Also, you could look in the other laptops currently connecting, maybe they have some way to show you the details of how they are connecting (WEP/WPA, WEP Index, etc)

                        Hope this helps, should be a piece of cake!
                        Attached Files

