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SOLVED - Removed network-manager, now no LAN or WLAN. Please help!

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    SOLVED - Removed network-manager, now no LAN or WLAN. Please help!

    On my ASUS EeePC 1000HE I'm trying to move from Ubuntu to Kubuntu. From my previous experience with Ubuntu I already knew that stock wireless manager won't connect to WEP unless I switched to Wicd. Same thing repeated in Kubuntu - it sees wireless around me but refuses to connect to my home router with my WEP passphrase.

    In Gnome Synaptec happily uninstalled stock manager as part of Wicd installation and everything was fine. Not so with KDE package manager. It refused to install Wicd unless I remove network-manager. Which I did and immediately lost my wired connection (without naturally gaining wireless ). No rebooting helped. What are my options?

    And in general, what's wrong with network managers in [K]Ubuntu? I tried Mandriva and their manager didn't have any problems going wireless.

    Re: Removed network-manager, now no LAN or WLAN. Please help!

    Did you try running wicd to configure both wired and wireless networking?


      Re: Removed network-manager, now no LAN or WLAN. Please help!

      edit the /etc/network/interfaces file, and make it look like this:

      auto lo
      iface lo inet loopback

      auto eth0
      iface eth0 inet dhcp

      This is assuming that your wired connection is eth0...then restart, or restart networking, which then should pull a DHCP address for the router.

      I believe this is what I did last time this happened to me. In the future, use apt-get to install wicd, it will handle this situation fine...or, I think I have heard that you can install synaptic, and it will work fine to install wicd.

      Dell Inspiron 1720 Laptop<br />Intel T9300 Core2Duo Processor @ 2.5Ghz<br />4 GB Ram | 1920 X 1200 Resolution<br />2 X 160 GB SATA HD Internal<br />Nvidia GeForce 8600M Graphics Adapter<br />Using Kubuntu 9.10


        Re: Removed network-manager, now no LAN or WLAN. Please help!

        Thanks everybody for advise. Simple
        sudo dhclient eth0
        did the trick and restored wired connection without the need for the Network Manager GUI applet! After that I downloaded WICD which totally did another trick with wireless - just enter your WEP password and reboot. WICD is simply a much better network manager than the stock ones in both Ubuntu and Kubuntu. If WICD was a distro standard then both Ubuntu and Kubuntu would have truly awesome out-of-the-box experience with netbooks like Asus 1000HE (and probably others).

        Another lesson learned was that Kubuntu's stock package manager is lacking and buggy compared with Synaptec standard in Ubuntu. Though Synaptec is a GTK app nothing prevents from installing it in Kubuntu. It runs fine, just doesn't look all that good

